Urban waste fermenter, high temperature intelligent sludge treatment equipment
11 - 21 - 2020

Preface: According to statistics, my country has produced nearly 10 tons of garbage every year, 4 tons of domestic garbage, and the construction of garbage is about 5 tons, and the kitchen garbage is about 10 million tons. my country's rural domestic garbage is about 180 million tons, and the amount of per capita waste generation is 0.8kg / d, at least about 1.70 million tons are not treated. The amount of urban domestic garbage in my country is about 320 million tons, with a per capita waste generation of 0.66 ~ 2.62kg, an average of 1.16kg, half of which is mainly landfill. High temperature intelligent sludge treatment equipment is imperative!

Organic fertilizer fermenter

2020, an unusual year, national The epidemic, the flood is another hit our original peaceful peaceful life, and this year will be loaded into the history book! During the epidemic, the people of the whole country almost homes, fight with the disease! During the period, the resulting garbage is not countful, and most of these garbage is sent to the garbage dump. Garbage is full of mountains! June, the flood is coming. Because the epidemic has just passed, a large number of garbage is not processed. At the same time, new domestic garbage is generated. This buried bomb exploded. The garbage is rushed to all corners and is filled in people's vision!

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

How to deal with these garbage, these are related to our lives and environment, high temperature intelligent sludge Processing equipment is in place! The urban waste fermenter mainly utilizes the thermal power assistance of microorganisms to perform high temperature aerobic fermentation. The solid waste is harmlessly treated, and the three-stage atomization deodorization, the air can be completely reached, greatly reduced harmful gaseous emissions and environmental pollution, fully satisfied with modern green ecological environmental requirements.

Urban sludge fermentor

Urban waste fermenter equipment utilizes the decomposition of microorganisms in nature, using aerobic microorganisms in nature The decomposition of the oxygen microorganism is decomposed by the organic matter in a closed fermenter, and it produces high temperatures to the material, the material is hydrated, deodorant, and the material is produced. Drop, the volume is reduced, producing organic fertilizers rich in organic matter. Urban waste fermenter is the current ideal high temperature intelligent sludge treatment equipment! As a high-temperature intelligent sludge treatment equipment, the aerobic fermentation temperature is high, the urban solid waste is more harmless treatment, the fermentation cycle is short; the consumption of composting increases the value of urban solid waste.

Animal Husbandry

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