Method for machining organic fertilizer in chicken manure
09 - 23 - 2020

Both chicken industry know that chicken manure processing is the top priority of environmental protection issues of chicken farms, and the environmental protection requirements are also very harsh, while chicken is also a farmhouse. Baby, chicken manure processing organic fertilizer is used in farmland, improve crop growth, which is the value of chicken manure organic fertilizer.

chicken What should be done or organic fertilizer? What is the benefit after the machining of chicken manure? What should I pay attention to when the chicken manure is organic fertilizer? What equipment is more effective?

After fermentation treatment, the toxic and hazardous substances were removed, and a large amount of dry chicken manure, pure chicken manure, fermented chicken manure, rice husband, chicken manure. Organic fertilizer such as organic fertilizer. These organic fertilizers can provide nutrients for crops, improve the biological activity of the soil, and is an essential fertilizer that plants organic.

Chicken manure processing organic fertilizer must be completely decomposed, if the chicken manure processing organic fertilizer does not operate correctly, what is the harm that is less compressed enough? What kind of anti-action is there a counter role in the organic fertilizer for chicken manure?

Pig manure fermentor

[ 123] Chicken manure processing organic fertilizer is not fully breeding pests: The livestock manure contains bacteria and pests, such as E. coli and nematodes. Direct use will lead to the spread of diseases and pests, crops will be sick, which will also affect the health of human consumption; immature chicken manure is fermented in the soil, it is easier to breed bacteria and pests.

Chicken manure processing organic fertilizer will cause crop roots, rotten roots:

Livestock fertilizer is a strong acid fertilizer ( The acid is 3.6-4.7), so the acidic livestock feces in the orchard can easily cause root rot, black roots, yellow leaves, premature decades and yellow, and even cause plant death.

Organic fertilizer fermentor

[ 123]

Chicken manure processing organic fertilizer will not completely make soil hypoxia:

The organic matter in which chicken manure has an organic fertilizer compromised in the process is easy to consume during decomposition. Oxygen in the soil makes soil temporaryIt is in an oxygen state.

Chicken manure processing Organic fertilizer is slightly wrong, it will bring side effects to the farming, so the method of organic fertilizer for Chicken manure must pay attention to which processing method is good? What equipment is used for chicken manure organic fertilizer?

The manure processing of chicken manure has more and more times, and the usual planing pit fermentation, the method of flushing, etc., although the cost is lower, but the machining time is long. , The area is large, not recommended, do environmental protection or choice of chicken manure processing organic fertilizers, the advantage of the fermenter of the chicken manure lies in a closed fermentation, using high temperature good oxygen fermentation principle to ferment chicken manure, chicken manure processing Organic fertilizer The efficiency is very high, which can satisfy the effect of balance every day, and the organic fertilizer produced by chicken manure is very good.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

Environmentally friendly Bolong Chicken manure processing organic fertilizer fermentation tank performance, high treatment efficiency, no smell of fermentation, small area, in line with environmental protection to the chicken industry.

Chicken manure processing organic fertilizer selection effective and reasonable method is handled, not only can solve the problem of chicken in the chicken farm, to meet environmental requirements, but also bring more one Income, contributing to the future sustainable development of the chicken industry, and the future of the aquaculture is full of light.

Animal husbandry

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