Correct interpretation of \"organic fertilizer fermentors\"
08 - 27 - 2020

Regarding the correct interpretation of the \"organic fertilizer fermenter\" organic fertilizer fermenter


After organic fertilizer, it will gradually replace other fertilizers, and have been strongly supported by many experts in the production of organic fertilizer. At the same time, on the equipment, it also received strong support. There are also special equipment and production lines produced by organic fertilizer in many places to produce better organic fertilizers.

Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter, chicken manure fermenter

The development of new rapid stain treatment patterns have not been slow. Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter equipment is a integrated set of equipment that specializes in handling organic waste such as life sludge, kitchen waste, livestock and poultry. It is mainly to use microorganisms to conduct biological decomposition, decomposing, transformed into organic fertilizer raw materials, and realize resource utilization.

Bolong organic fertilization kit this year newly developed 102-style organic fertilizers, can be used to treat pig manure, chicken manure , Cow dung, sheep, mushroom slag, Chinese medicine slag, crop straw and other organic waste, 10 hours can complete the harmless treatment process, covering less (fermentation machine only 10-30 square meters), kill The pebble eggs (adjustable to 80-100 ° C high temperature) are the selection of waste resources utilization of the majority of breeding enterprises, cycle agriculture and ecological agriculture. Another can be tailored to the user's demand.

Bolong organic fertilization fermentation tank is mainly based on fermentation chambers, upper impact systems, high pressure air supply systems, spindle transmission systems, hydraulic power systems, automatic discharge systems, deodorization systems Composed with the automatic control system. The process is included in: mixed modulation, above, good oxygen fermentation, automatic discharge process.


mixed portion [ 123]

The mixed portion is a feces or organic waste with a water content of about 70 percent , and the organic waste and reflow material, biomass, and fermenting bacteria are proportional. Mixing, adjustment of water content, C: N, gas permeability, etc. to achieve fermentation conditions. If the material moisture content can be directly entered from 100%.


organic fertilizer fermentor part


This process can be divided into a rapid heating stage, a high temperature phase, and a cooling phase.

organic fertilizer fermenter, pig manure fermenter, chicken

The material enters the fermenter, and

24-48 hours is rapidly decomposed under the action of the aerobic bacterium. The release of the release of the release is rapidly rapid, and the temperature is generally 50 ~ 65 ° C, which can reach 70 ° C. By the air supply aeration system, the aerobic volume needs to be used to satisfy the amount of oxygen volume of the fermentation process, so that the material is fully fermented, and the high temperature phase is maintained for 5-7 days. When the decomposition rate is slowly decreased, the temperature gradually reduces to 50 degrees. The entire fermentation process lasts for 7-15 days. The evaporation of temperature increase and ventilation and accelerated material moisture, and the exhaust gas and water vapor are discharged by deodorizing system, thereby reducing material volume, reducing the amount of material, stabilizing, and harmless treatment. Purpose. The fermentation chamber temperature was maintained above 50 ° C for more than 7 days, and it can be better to kill the eggs, pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds. It meets the national \"livestock feces.\" (GB7959-87) treatment requirements, to achieve the purpose of harmless treatment of feces.


Automatic discharge portion

The material in the fermentation chamber is discharged after the main shaft mixing and gravity, and the water is discharged as an organic fertilizer raw material, and the aqueous rate is not more than 30%


Chicken manure fermentation, pig manure fermentation, organic fertilizer fermentation equipment [123

bolong [123 ] 博龙

Hebi Bolong Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd.

[123 ] Address: West Temple Wangtai Industrial Zone, Shilin Town, Shancheng District, Hebi

Business Hotline: 0392-3357779

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