Method for using fermentation chicken manure
08 - 25 - 2020

The farmers know that the nutrition of chicken manure is very high, and it is a good raw material for fermented chicken manure. Chicken manure can not only make organic fertilizers, but also made a protein feed such as a pig, a cow, but also a high nutritional value by fermentation treatment. The use of fermentation chicken manure can provide strong nutritional support for crop production and high yield.

The content of chicken manure is 4.5-7.7 times the cow dung. Chicken manure is nutritious, including three elements of a large organic matter and high content. This is an organic fertilizer!

Pig manure fermenter, chicken manure fermenter

Traditional fermentation chicken manure is used

01 Targe compost fermentation: Static compost of its stack growth, its disadvantage is: large area, secondary pollution Serious, not environmentally friendly, heavy smell. 02 Cell Compost Fermentation: Place the stacked mixture in a long litter structure for fermentation, the disadvantage is that the investment investment is large, the land use is low, The smell is serious.

03 Tank fermentation: uses modern biotechnology and automated fermentation equipment fermenter, fermentation of organic waste such as livestock and poultry, fast fermentation velocity, normal condition 7 days can be fermented, greatly saving time energy and material consumption.

In summary, the method of use of fermentation chicken manure is also selected 03 tank fermentation fermentor, and the chicken manure is mechanized, feeding, Disposal, temperature control, one person can work, save a lot of artificial cost and processing costs.

What should the use of fermentation chicken manure should be done? What is the benefit of the use of fermented chicken manure? What should I pay attention to?

Organic fertilizer fermentor

Chicken manure fermenter is a Environmental equipment, using the decomposition of microorganisms in nature, after

7 days, continuous aerobic fermentation in a closed fermenter, the organic solid waste is fermented, deodorized and rusted, and processed Biological organic fertilizer of crops.

The fermenter of the chicken manure is widely adapted, and the north and the north can be affected by the temperature. Even in the cold area in the north, due to the sealing tank of the chicken manure, winter is still It can be fermented as usual. The fermenter of the chicken manure has a small area, and the area is one thousandth of the traditional fermentation, saving a farm orThe venue capital investment in organic fertilizer plant has greatly increased the space of material fermentation, which has won more economic benefits for manufacturers, but also more to manufacture large-scale mass production.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter The use of fermentation chicken manure can not only lead to good economic benefits, but also to achieve cleaning, environmental protection and sustainable standards.It can be said that it is two, the use of fermented chicken manure has already learned it, it is used up!

Animal Husbandry

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