Chicken farm chicken prevention method
08 - 20 - 2020

As the weather changes, the chicken is frequent. For some bacterial infectious diseases, the chicken household needs to be emptying according to the immunization planning, and the immunization planning and epidemic test are subtracted. Today, the common chicken disease and chicken prevention methods will be introduced, how to do a good job in the prevention of chicken disease, chicken farm chicken disease prevention.

What are the common chicken disease? What happened because of what happened? How to prevent chicken disease? Waiting for the problem of farmers pay more attention, Xiaobian will explain in detail.

Chicken manure fermenter

how the chicken is produced:

Nutrition is Due to the lack of certain nutrients in the feed. If you simply let chicken disease to prevent corn and lack methionine, it will slow down the growth of chickens and reduce the yield and weight of the egg; the lack of selenium can lead to poor growth, feather fallfast, fat digestive disorder and pancreas; lack of shrinking Ribxin can lead to chicken toes.

Management is not good caused by chicken disease, such as the crowd, can lead to bad behaviors, such as 啄 啄, hysterical and pressure; such as feed and drinking water, the chicken is shocked, the ventilation and the light is not enough chicken prevention Chicken causes damage.

Pig manure fermentor

Chicken disease prevents infectious chicken disease is made of many pathogens, fungi, mycoplasma, Chicken disease caused by viruses and other microorganisms. Such as the new city disease caused by the new city disease; the poultry hemorrhagic sepsis caused by the hyperincaibal Bacillus; the fungi caused by the fungi; the chicken bodium is caused by a chicken body or the like.

Parasitic disease is prevention of chicken chicken disease caused by various native animals, in vivo and in vitro parasites. Such as chicken chicken disease, coccidia and chickens.

Toxic chicken disease is a poison caused by feed to feed toxic feed, or chickens that are contaminated by pesticides and killometers, and improper management. Such as salt poisoning, organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, phosphate poisoning, sulfonamide drug poisoning, etc.

Chicken field chicken disease is controllable, then how should I do a good job in chicken chicken disease prevention? What is the method for preventing chicken disease in chicken farm? Chicken farm chicken prevention methods teach you to!

Chicken field, chicken disease has the following reasons:

1. Weather factors

Sudden weather changes, especially to the chicken, encounter heavy rain The chicken rains in the rain, plus the temperature in the evening after the rain, will cause the chicken to catch cold. Repeated cold, it will destroy the chicken's immune defense line, the chicken resistance is declining, and a series of chicken disease will be induced.

2, management factors

In terms of management, farmers are more emphasis on insulation and ventilation. ThatIn addition to these two points, the key factors are density. The density of the chicken house, the air quality of the chicken is poor, the ammonia flavor in the chicken house is serious, constantly stimulating the respiratory mucosa of the chicken, resulting in inflammation in the respiratory mucosa, and relapse a series of respiratory symptoms.

High-temperature good oxygen fermenter

Chicken manure is a big problem with chicken farm, and it is also a chicken The spread path of field chicken disease, chicken disease prevention method chicken farm chicken disease prevention, starting from chicken farm, chicken farm chicken manure treatment is key. Bolong chicken manure fermenter can effectively solve the chicken farm chicken manure, thereby doing a good job in chicken farm chicken disease, chicken manure fermenter and organic fertilizers can effectively and rapidly handle chicken manure in the fermentation process. Compliance with environmental protection requirements. There will be no chicken manure during the fermentation process, and fertilizer can be produced one day.

Chicken disease prevention method Treatment of chicken manure problems generated by chickens, not only do the chicken chicken disease prevention, but also brings good economic benefits, but also achieves cleaning, environmental protection and sustainable development. standard. It can be said that it is two, and the method of dealing with chicken farm chicken disease has learned, it is used up!

Animal Husbandry

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