Dried chicken manure is also fermented?
08 - 06 - 2020

In a vegetable concentrated planting area, development, farmers with large area, rarely applied organic fertilizers because of the cost of labor. Farmers with less area, will choose to apply organic fertilizer. The application is basically seasoned with chicken manure, cow dung, a small portion will choose your own compost, dry chicken manure is also fermented?

Qualified goods organic fertilizer almost can't see, farmers think that commodity organic premium is worth a little. The money is the same, maybe the merchandise organic fertilizer can only apply 2-3 bags, and the traditional seasoning chicken manure can buy nearly 2 squares, is it dried with chicken manure with fermentation?

Chicken manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermenter

So, dry chicken manure Is it fermented? Can you really have the organic fertilizer with goods? Do you have to spend so much money to buy goods Organic fertilizer, is it a waste of money?

Application of unsolved chicken is not only harmful to soil, but also increases soil insects, and there is no reduction in agricultural parallel pollution control, but will increase agricultural ammonia nitrogen emissions.

In recent years, due to the traditional nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium competition intensified, organic fertilizer profits is better, more and more companies have begun to enter organic fertilizer industries, of course, there are also government The promotion effect. In,, In many areas, some so-called bidding projects are pressed very low, I really don't know how these organic fertilizers can play.

If you want to ferment chicken manure, it is necessary to produce high quality organic fertilizer. Professional equipment

Bolong organic fat fertilization tank, chicken manure, pig manure rapid fermenter fermentation process, equipment usage principle

Fast chicken The fecal rapid fermenter is an environmentally friendly equipment that utilizes the decomposition of microorganisms in nature. After 7 days, the organic solid waste is fermented, deodorized and rusted after 7 days. Processed into excellent chicken manure organic fertilizer for crops.

Pig manure fermenter, high temperature aerobic fermenter

The initial use, while adding the raw material to be put into strain.

After fermentation, it is not necessary to add a strain when it is added, and the microorganisms produced in the tank can achieve continued fermentation. Since then, as long as normal, production, the fermentation process continues to achieve comprehensive stirring, ventilation, heat insulation, etc. Fermentation- Animal and poultry feces, corpse, and realization of scale, factory treatment, organic fertilizer for high-nitrogen phosphorus content of high-nitrogen phosphorus.

Animal husbandry

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