Natural ruccome method of chicken manure
08 - 05 - 2020

Recently, many vegetarians have begun to punch fertilizer for greenhouse vegetables, but most of them now have completely decomposed last summer. Although these fertilizers do not have root roots and smoked phenomena after long-term rinsing, there are still many unfavorable factors. If you do not take the natural decomposing method of chicken manure to eliminate these unfavorable factors, it is easy to harm the greenhouse vegetables after flushing, which will affect its normal growth.

Chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermentor, high temperature good oxygen fermentation Can

What is the unfavorable factor after the natural decomposition method of chicken manure? In general, if the decomposed feces is tightly covered with a plastic film, it is less unfavorable. However, many vegetable farmers often believe that after a summer, the natural decomposing method of chicken manure has been completely decomposed, so there is no longer need to cover the film, so many vegetable farmers have removed the film, so that the decomposed feces are exposed to the air for a long time. . In this case, the wind will blow some pathogenic spores, eggs, weeds, insects, etc. Back in the manure, contaminate it again.

If the feces began exposed from the fall, it can cause bacteria and pests to breed in the feces, and the weeds grow directly on the feces and leave more seeds in the feces. In this case, if these long-term feces are not treated, they are directly flooded, and it is easy to cause epidemic in shed diseases, insects and weeds.

Chicken manure fermenter

, pig manure fermenter, high temperature good oxygen fermenter [123

In the feces, the nutrient ingredients of the natural compratology of chicken manure are very rich, and the use of fertilizer can be used, which can not only have a great help to the growth and production of vegetables. Moreover, it is also possible to prevent vegetable soil knots, promote the development of vegetables, and prevent soil disease to make vegetables to achieve increased production income.

The method of natural rusing confection with traditional chicken manure has been behind, and the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the fermentation time is long, the decomposer is not complete, and the crop root burning seedlings are easily caused. Bolong Chicken manure fermenter - Organic fertilizer intelligent fermenter is an environmentally friendly equipment, which utilizes the decomposition effect of microorganisms in nature. After 7 days, after 7 days, in a closed fermenter Continuous aerobic fermentation, the organic solid waste is fermented, deodorized and rusted, processed into excellent biological organic fertilizers that can be used for crops.

Animal husbandry

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