Chicken manure will face it, how to use chicken manure
10 - 27 - 2020

Since the past, chicken manure is a very important source of organic fertilizer. In many parts of my country, planting crops, fruits, vegetables, etc. are important organic fertilizers. Typically, people also treat this fertilizer as a pure natural and pollution-free fertilizer, and the fruits and vegetables raised by this fertilizer are often more popular. However, this view that everyone will have to change, because the actual situation is that chicken manure may be a \"toxic\" fertilizer!

Chicken manure fermenter

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First, why said the poison of chicken manure?

This is because the development of breeding has led to a large number of antibiotics in the process of nursing chicken. From the case of the chicken industry, the use of anti-chicken households in various sizes is simply homework. Most of these antibiotics is not sucking by chickens, but with the feces directly excreted. When these chicken feces are used as fertilizers of fruits and vegetables, it will directly contaminate the farm. People eat antibiotics in chicken manure into the body by eating melon fruits.

Organic fertilizer fermentor

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Two, chicken manure organizational fertilizer leads to terrible antibiotic pollution

In fact, livestock fertilizer is an organic fertilizer that is respected by people. The current situation is very embarrassed, because the important source of farmland antibiotics is it. Not only for the threat of the soil, but the livestock fertilizer containing excess antibiotics is used in farmland, the pollution of groundwater is also very serious. Third, what harm is antibiotics? Can you solve it?

Antibiotics enters the soil to kill microorganisms in the soil, destroy the soil microbial system, and reduce soil activity. \"Different:\" Soil residual antibiotics can affect human health if they enter the human body through food. Of course, it is not easy to think that the antibiotic content in chicken manure is high. \"The problem is whether the feed has added antibiotics, the amount is added, the amount of addition is high, the amount of addition is low. Most farm antibiotics is in line with national requirements, and farmers have more antibiotics. So, from this level, not all chicken manure has difficult degradation! Introduced by experts, in fact, even if hensure contains antibiotics, it can also achieve degradation through industrial means. Equipment for industrial production Organic fertilizer utilization Chicken manure fermentation treatment process (Mainly good oxygen compost), after high temperature, fermentation, basically reduce 60 to 70 percent of antibiotics in chicken manure, to achieve harmless treatment requirements.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

During aerobic composting treatment, conditioning agents tend to regulate composting effects, such as sawdust, straw, straw, etc., increased carbon content.Organic fertilizer chicken fermenter is energy-saving, mainly using microbial thermal power assist electrical energy, three-stage atomization deodorization, discharged air can meet the standard, greatly reduce harmful gas emissions and environmental pollution, meet modern green ecological environmental requirements.

Animal husbandry

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