Fast fermentation method of fresh chicken manure
08 - 07 - 2020

The nutrient content in chicken manure is very high, it is a very good raw material for organic fat fertilizers. Chicken manure can not only produce organic fertilizers, but can be produced by fermentation and produce pigs and other protein feed, and its nutritional value is very high, effective utilization Chicken manure production organic fertilizer can increase production, high yield provides strong nutritional support, what are the methods of fermentation of fresh chicken manure?

Chicken manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermenter

About fresh chicken manure fermentation Method, you can use Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter fermentation and rot to decode seven days. Three days can eliminate odor, and the fermentation of rusted chicken manure operation is very simple to complete.

Treatment of chicken manure with microbial fermentation, not only can fool the fermentation process, shorten the fermentation time, prevent waste of the nutritional value of chicken manure; and can produce temperature drying chicken manure by fermentation , Save energy, low cost, easy operation, easy to promote

raw raw chicken manure, but chicken manure has dry chicken manure and fresh chicken feces, Let's talk about their fermentation method:

Dry chicken manure: Dilution softening is diluted since the lack of moisture in dry chicken feces cannot be fermented.

Add a chicken manure fermenter, high temperature aerobic fermentation, keep the temperature of about 60-70 degrees in the tank, and perform high temperature aerobic fermentation.

Chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermenter, high temperature good oxygen fermenter

[123 】 Fermentation with microorganisms, 7 days can be fermented. Processing organic fertilizer.

Organic fat pig manure fermencetan is widely adapted, and the north and the north can be, which is not affected by the temperature. Even in the cold area in the north, the organic fat pig manure from the sealing tank is good, and winter can still be fermented as usual as usual. . The problem of dried chicken manure is not self-satisfied. There is a large amount of breeding bacteria without fermentation and affect crops. The fermentation chicken manure should also use reasonable scientific methods for sufficient fermentation and utilization, how do you learn to ferment?

Animal husbandry

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