Chicken manure fermentation after turning waste into treasure
08 - 03 - 2020

For small-scale chickens in rural areas, environmental pollution caused by improper health management has been ordered to reform, which has become a problem of many friends. Through the strict inspection of environmental protection, many farmers pay more attention to this issue, not only pollute the environment, but also affect the growth of broilers. Therefore, today deliberately brought you a treatment for the fermentation of chicken manure.

Organic fertilizer fermentation can chicken manure fermenting tank pig manure fermenter

As the saying, \"fat water is not lost \"\" \"\" Fatshu \"here is a fertilizer for people and animals. At present, the effective way to turn the chicken manure into the treasure is to use the chicken manure to ferment the organic fertilizer equipment production line, with fresh chicken manure as a raw material, after a series of processing, producing natural organic chicken manure fertilizers.

Chicken manure fermentation organic fertilizer equipment production line processing commodity organic fertilizer requires two steps: pre-fermentation and treatment part and deep processing granulation. Biological organic fertilizer equipment supporting required aircraft high temperature aerobox fermentation machine, organic fertilizer pulverizer, roller screening machine, horizontal mixer, disc granulator, rotary dryer, cooling machine, screening machine, envelope machine, packaging Machines, conveyors and other equipment.

Characteristics of chicken manure fermentation organic fertilizer:

1. Chicken manure fermentation organic Fertilizer does not contain any chemical components. Due to the poor digestive ability of the chicken, only 25% of the nutrients can be consumed, while the other 75% of the nutrients in the feed are discharged, so that the dry finished product contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter. , Amino acid, protein, etc.

2, the main substance of chicken manure is an organic matter, increasing the content of organic matter in the soil. Organic matter can improve the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil, so that the soil matures and cultivate fertility. China's rural areas relied on organic fertilizer, seedling and fecal length, to a large extent, to largely reflect the effect of chicken manure on improved soil.

3. Chicken manure not only increases the content of organic colloid, and also decomposes a large amount of organic matter into organic gauge through microorganisms, increasing the surface adsorption of the soil, producing a large number of viscous materials, making the soil particles Bonding Stable particle structure improves the soil water storage performance, fertilizer and air permeability and the ability to regulate soil temperature.

4. Chicken manure can also breed microorganisms in the soil, especially many beneficial microorganisms, such as nitrogen, ammonia, cellulose decomposition, nitrifying bacteria, and the like. Chicken manure contains a variety of active enzymes produced by animal digestive tract, which can greatly improve the enzyme activity of soil after the soil secreted.

5. Applying more chicken manure can improve soil activity and biological breeding conversion capacity, thereby improving the soil absorption, buffering and stress resistance.

Organic fertilizers fermented tank chicken manure fermented can pig manure fermenter

To reduce the environmental contamination caused by breeding, better use of nutrients in chicken manure, guaranteeThe sustainable development of the poultry industry, proposes the use of organic fertilizer fermentors to ferment the ferture, reaching the resource cycle utilization, sustainable breeding model, using Bolong organic fertilizers fermentation tank fermented poultry fertilizer fast, fat, easy to operate, easy to operate, etc.Many advantages.

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