How to deal with pig farm
07 - 31 - 2020

This joke, \"You raise cattle, I raise pigs, get rich together\", tell us how much, how many rural families have enriched pigs. For farmers who stay at home all the year, the pig is indeed a good project. The crops have harvested twice a year, so porking pigs, raising cattle, and sheep can not only send leisure time, but also have additional income. So how do raise pig farm handle pig manure?

Pig manure fermenter, high temperature good oxygen fermenter, chicken manure fermenter

How to treat pigs [ 123]

Organic fat pig manure fermenter fermentation speed fast, 7 days in normal case, it can be fermented, and time energy and material consumption are greatly saved. The organic fat pig manure fermenter is widely adapted, and the north and the north can not be affected by temperature, even in the cold area in the north, due to the sealing tank of the organic fat pig manure, winter can still be fermented as usual as usual. Organic fat pig manure fermenter is mechanized, feeding, discharge, temperature control one button operation, one person can work, save a lot of artificial cost and processing costs. Organic fat pig manure fermentation tank energy-saving environmental protection, mainly using microorganisms of thermodynamic auxiliary electric energy, atomizing deodorization, exhausting air can be achieved, greatly reducing harmful gas emissions and environmental pollution, fully satisfying modern green ecological environmental protection requirements.

How to treat pigs

Bolong organic fat pig manure fermentation tank Small area, the area is one thousandth of the traditional fermentation, saving the venue capital investment in the farm or organic fertilizer factory, greatly increase the space of material fermentation, and win more economic benefits for the manufacturer, and more beneficial to manufacture Batch production.

Fermentation tank performance: Main advantages: good oxygen fermentation temperature, fecal harmless treatment, fermentation cycle short; composting treatment increases feces.

Scope of application: Suitable for fecal poultry farms or sheep farms, 60% to 70%.

Pig manure fermenter, high temperature aerobic fermenter, chicken manure fermenter

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