Chicken manure environmental protection equipment new darker: organic fertilizer fermentor
07 - 25 - 2020

With the continuous improvement of domestic living standards, people's pursuit of health is also higher and higher, and in the development of chicken industry, chicken manure has been treated into a big problem. Chicken manure has gradually emerged in people's field of view. The fermentor is a new product that treats chicken manure, which can ferment the chicken manure high temperature oxygen fermentation to produce organic fertilizer.

Bolong chicken manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermenter

Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter characteristics: [ 123]

1, Bolong organic fertilizer pig manure fermencell fermentation speed fast, 7 days under normal conditions can be fermented, greatly saving time energy and material consumption.

2, Bolong organic fertilizer pig manure fermencell is wide, the north and the north can, unaffected by temperature, even in the cold area in the north, due to the sealing tank of the organic fat pig manure, Winter can still ferment

3, Bolong organic fertilizer pig manure fermenter has high mechanization, feed, discharge, temperature control one button operation, one person can work, save a lot of artificial cost and processing cost.

4, Bolong organic fat pig manure fermenter energy-saving and environmentally friendly , Fully meet the modern green ecological environmental requirements.

5, Bolong organic fertilizer pig manure fermencell covers a small area, covering an area is one thousandth of the traditional fermentation, saving a farm or organic fertilizer plant investment, greatly increase material fermentation The space, which has won more economic benefits for the manufacturer, but also more to manufacture large-scale mass production.

The chicken manure equipment is endless, but the fermenter is undoubtedly one of the current use effects, one of the chicken manure treatment equipment with excellent value.

Bolong high temperature intelligent sludge treatment, chicken manure intelligent processing, chicken manure environmental protection

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