Why is the effect of organic fertilizer not obvious, fat effect?
07 - 15 - 2020

The following factors in organic fertilizer use will affect organic fertilizer and effective, hoping to attract everyone's attention.

(1) What is your organic fertilizer? A microbial bacteria different microbiobacteria and its metabolites are an important factor affecting fertility effects, and microbial bacteria affect organic fertilizer effects by direct and indirect effects (reinforcing nitrogen, phosphorus, pitas and root causes).

(2) What is your organic fertilizer effect? One organic substance

The type of carbon nitrogen in organic fertilizer is also an important factor affecting fertilizer effect. Such as crude fat, high crude protein content increases, soil is beneficial to microbial increase, pathogens decreased; Carbon content in organics helps the increase in soil fungi, high in nitrogen, helps soil bacteria increase. The carbon nitrogen ratio is coordinated, and the content of the sedation of several-butian animal waste will increase the increase in soil wood, Penicillus, etc. It is increased, and the increase in microbacterial, the decrease in pathogenic bacteria, indirectly improves organic fertilizer .

(3) What is your organic fertilizer effect? One nursing

The composition of different organic fertilizers, the nutrient content and effectiveness, such as animal waste slag, fertilizer (chicken manure, duck manure, bird manure), etc. Organic fertilizer . Its fertilizer is higher than the organic fertilizer containing livestock (bovine and sheep feces) and straw.

(4) What is your organic fertilizer effect? A calcium

The calcium-containing organic fertilizer has a significant disease-resistant effect than organic fertilizers containing calcium, which in turn has high fertilizer effect.

(5) What is your organic fertilizer effect? An organic fertilizer is reduced

The effect of completely decomposing organic fertilizer on soil microorganisms, especially the number of microbes, the region, density, antagonistic bacteria, etc. Completely familiar biological organic fertilizer affects soil microorganisms, high nutrient absorption efficiency.

In addition, the floral leaves are yellow, often caused by a comprehensive factor, and the cause of the symptoms, is human management If the water is too much or too little, the sunshine is insufficient or too strong, the water quality or water temperature is discouraged, is an important reason for the yellow leaves.

Therefore, high quality organic fertilizers are very important.

Bolon organic fertilizers fermenter, chicken manure pig manure fermenter, high temperature good oxygen fermenter

Closed tank, high temperature fermentation.Mechanical agitation, organic fertilizers full fermented, high quality powdered organic fertilizer, can be directly pair, or the raw materials of complex fertilizer can also be used.

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