Bolong Bolon | Canned high temperature aerobic fermentation technology and equipment application sta
03 - 26 - 2019

Industry analysis

As the core of agricultural circulation economy my country's livestock industry has entered the stage of quality efficiency, layout optimization and perfect during the number, scale development stage. Among them, the rationalization of livestock and poultry breasts (utilization) is the top priority of the governance and norms of the aquaculture, and considers the following factors: planting, especially crop planting; soil improvement and environmental protection; resources Transformation utilization and economy.

In the need for environmental protection and planting, the need for biological fertilizers and changes over the production of food, while the chemical fertilizer has a large number of adverse effects on soil and ecology, transforming into Fertilizers are the first to be a lifetime of livestock and poultry feces and resource utilization.

Good oxygen fermentation technology and equipment development history

[123 The traditional good oxygen fermentation is mainly compost, that is, it is simple to initially regulate good oxygen microorganism living environment. Through the fermentation process of propagation, it is common, and the groove (with a trench), etc. It has excellent disadvantages and scope of application. In recent years, a total of the fermentation process is placed in a container, providing good conditions for good oxygen microbial scale breeding, satisfying and improving the need for good oxygen microorganisms, promoting the effectiveness of the aerobic fermentation process, thereby achieving batch and fast Fermentation transformation into organic fertilizers are increasingly applied.

As early as the end of the last century, some people have explored and practices in the use of high temperature good oxygen fermenters to make organic fertilizers for livestock feces, according to the propagation metabolism of aerobic bacteria. The principle, produces tank good oxygen fermentation equipment, it can be said to be the prototype of high temperature aeroboy yeast. It is understood that Japan, South Korea and my country Taiwan have long since started to apply such tank high temperature aerobic fermentation technology for organic waste such as livestock and poultry breast. Domestic (continental) despite early attempts, the scale application begins in nearly two or three years. Equipment production enterprises also appear in the rain, and there were nearly 100 companies that were not fully statisted. At present, there are nearly 100 companies in China (mainland) to produce high-temperature good oxygen fermenters, and some sales companies are customized, market The brand and model exceeds 200. And in three or four years ago, this figure is still a bit number.

Phambers of factors and problems to be solved in trouble [123

The equipment lacks authority standards, usersNo reference

Although tank high temperature good oxygen fermentation technology has previously been applied, it has not been vigorously developed, and the corresponding equipment is also It has not been popularized and fully improved; in recent years, it has just begun, limited to many factors. There is currently no authoritative national standard or industry standard, which leads to the lack of standardization, quality and performance of the equipment, quality and performance. And guarantee.

Business is over-propaganda, users are difficult to accurately judge

Although the fermenter is started late, it is controlled by the special situation in

, the market demand suddenly increases, but due to the information asymmetry, many manufacturers' propaganda is eye-catching

, the user is difficult Make accurate judgment

, it feels no way.

For example, some claim \"no emissions\", some propaganda \"use my equipment to ferment the fertilizer price (more than other equipment), etc.,\" and even individual manufacturers Declaring that your own equipment is \"a one more imitation of developed countries\" and so on.

For these statements, the user needs to know that since the material is weakly alkaline during the fermentation process, in this

pH environment, part of the protein NH4 + decomposition NH3 in the free state, the first in the process of the fermentation is first thereon; on the other hand, due to the difference between the material of the material and the physical environment in the can body, the process of aerobic fermentation may be accompanied by other Small levels of complicated biochemical reactions. Therefore, the exhaust gas discharged in large-scale production does not only have carbon dioxide and water vapor like laboratory tests. will the price of the fermentation product will not be different due to strains? If the fermentation process, fermentation product and application seem to be a more complex problem, involving many expertise. In fact, users can verify through field investigation, for example, because of the cause of transportation, the market price of organic fertilizers around the local organic fertilizer has a relatively large difference, but in the same area, the price is comparable. Users who have questions can be further understood by visiting the manufacturers of different devices, and make judgments.

As for the \"one more imitation in a certain country or region\", this statement is more necessary to scrutinize, first of all, this kind of equipment is valued in the country or region, is it R \u0026 D? Or consuming strength and strong workforce operation? IT analysis, market capacity is expected to affect manufacturing manufacturers' research and development and improvement enthusiasm, and then their investment and product technology content. Therefore, remember not to blind, or should make the truth. ReformFor 40 years, my country's industrial production capacity and level have attracted worldwide, and our research and development and manufacturing capabilities are completely trustworthy for equipment that have large demand, technical requirements, and difficult to understand. As long as you use your heart, you are not a difficult thing, pay attention to the quality of your equipment or product itself, more practical than paying attention to the origin or source.

The product needs to comply with the basic rules of continuous improvement and optimization [123 The need to fully satisfy the propagation needs of oxygen microorganisms is the principle. Need seriously analyzed, comprehensive improvement, not blindly touch, and take care of this. It is important to point out that individual manufacturers have increased equipment volume, and they think that \"is large, and the processing power will be large\", propagate to customers \"My product fermenter is large, total price average To each cube volume is low \", this is completely confused with the\" equipment accommodation capabilities \"and\" equipment processing capabilities \", which will seriously mislead the user. The detection techniques and methods of fermentation of compratology products cannot meet

[123 According to the current \"

NY525-2012 National Organic Fertilizer Standard\", the product of fermentation is required to be tested, in line with the standard, in order to be defined as organic fertilizer or processes the next step. However, on the one hand, the insufficient detection mechanism is difficult. The user finds a mechanism that can provide authoritative test results; on the other hand, even if the appropriate testing mechanism is found, the conventional testing technology and means are not strong, from the sample to get the test report is often It takes 2 to 3 weeks or even longer, which will bring a lot of inconvenience to fertilizer industrialization.

The potential market needs to stimulate the enthusiasm of the enterprise under the large situation

There are currently nearly 100 companies that have entered the production enterprises, and most of them have just entered a year or two. Despite the environmental protection, the fermenter is considered to be a sunny industry, but the short-term fish dragon mixed industry state will lead to intensifying competition, the industry's shuffling and product perfection has been in synchronous, especially in a huge market in a short time. Demand may further exacerbate the intensiveness and scale of the company shuffle, and the state of disorder may continue and slowly change. It can be foreseeable that there are some influential brands in the industry, pay attention to product quality, pay attention to R \u0026 D and service, will stand out; those hope to be in the environment \"Earn ticket The company will gradually be eliminated by the market.However, it cannot be ignored is that the current Sports market may extend this process, although only time problems.

rational selection of tank high temperature good oxygen fermentation equipment

First, to grasp in principle. On the one hand, there is currently a lack of authoritative standards that can be referenced. On the other hand, despite the improvement of the research

, it is necessary to screen technical details and programs from thousands of Wanxu, and the workload is cumbersome. But in the application, with a picky vision, it is not difficult to use experts. Because of its core principle, a good environment is provided for the strong breeding of good oxygen microorganisms. Users can only firmly grasp this principle, and take care of how they pay attention to how they pay attention is enough. For example,

, under the same pressure, how can we ensure that a large amount of (oxygen) air is added? What is the corresponding links and details? Ideally, the temperature in the can is uniform, then if it is necessary to ensure uniform temperature in the tank, the insulation of the canal insulation performance should be sufficient. This should be started from the design and insulation materials of the can. In terms of mechanical design, pay attention to the relevant details of the relationship, such as the stability of the hopper, the design of the above, and the design of the discharge device is reasonable. After confirming that all details are implemented, you need to pay attention to whether there is enough attention or design in energy savings. Second, it should be a horizontal comparative job, that is, detailed understanding of the design and manufacturing processes of each manufacturer product, see if they have different. What is the effect of these differences on the performance of the fermenter, that is, the rapid propagation of microorganisms? For some problems and answers that seem to have achieved recognition and answer.

Third, do not want to believe that the cannovation volume of the device determines processing power because a good environment requires a comprehensive factor. I can think about it in detail: If so, theoretical equipment can be arbitrarily made, why do those manufacturers who have been sold in the industry? Do not do this?

Fourth, from the perspective of product design and manufacturing and maintenance, it is relatively simple and convenient to consider the failure of the equipment. For example, the main shaft and ratchet of the fermenter are very important components, and the daily operation is under the huge torque. At present, it is impossible to ensure that there is no problem with the cost. So, in case of damage? What is the maintenance work? Is it necessary to return? Can you easily repair and replace it on site? These must be considered.

Fifth, analytical process and system, clarify responsibility, targetedly rememberingRequest for equipment. For example: Some users have required \"equipment costs to meet the national organic fertilizer standards, especially heavy metal content,\", the surface is strict requirement equipment manufacturers, in fact, there is no seriously doing the manufacturer will have unconditionally. Moreover, in the current case, if the heavy metal content is exceeded in the raw material, the equipment manufacturers are also impossible. Because although ferment is a biochemical reaction process, it may be a heavy metal that may be contained in livestock feces. The current process is only equivalent to a physical process, which is unable to change its properties. In the future, with technology progress, there may be better programs or processes, but now, this requirement is not practical.

Take advantage of the on-site investigation.

(1) The real handling ability of the device. That is, the accurate number of raw materials is joined every day, this should not rely on consultation, but to do some investigations as much as possible, effectively master the real and reliable data. (2) The material conditions are required. In particular, whether to add aid to the material moisture content to ferment.

(3) The actual power consumption of the device. On the one hand, you can consult the unit, because many units are set up a power supply for the fermenter, theoretically, the power consumption of the equipment can be mastered. On the other hand, by observing the current table in which the device is running, the actual power consumption of the device can also be initially understood based on the instantaneous power of the device according to the operating current value shown above.

(4) Cold season equipment performance. This is very important and the key! Many times, the equipment that can be observed may be in the ideal operation, but if the environment is not ideal, such as the cold season? This should be asked, be sure to start from the actual processing capacity (processing amount) and the fermentation quality (ie the quality of the riculous material) to understand the true situation.

(5) Stability of the equipment and the quality of manufacturers of manufacturers. It is necessary to understand the probability of faults in the device and the ability to maintain the manufacturer after the failure.

There is no doubt, as a new type Handling, high-temperature good oxygen fermentor emergence provides new ideas and experiences for breeding stain treatment, and the prospects of development applications are broad and worth looking forward to, but currently supply vendors have mixed, and the products provided are not mixed. Therefore, there is no clear criteria for reference, and there is no particularly trustworthy brand, it must be cautious when choosing a fermenter, and improving the decision to avoid post-hazards. At present, individual manufacturers are eager to force, not fundamentally, to improve product performance, but put energy and work in the so-calledThis is very vigilant.

Overall, from traditional compost to intensive, effective tank fermentation, my country's farmers fertilizer use is walking on a road suitable for production and reproduction. In combination with the urgent needs of fertilizers in the planting industry, the soil improvement requires and environmentally friendly industries to atmospheric and environmental governance, which effectively transforms and emissions low microorganisms inactivated tank-type high-temperature good oxygen fermentation technology will be increasingly valued in production. The corresponding equipment will also be further improved and improved in the application.




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