What should I do if there are too many cow dung?This method is two
12 - 14 - 2020

China is an agricultural big country, and a large amount of agricultural waste will be produced every annual aquaculture and planting industry. According to statistics, the aquaculture industry has about 380 million tons per year, and the comprehensive utilization rate is less than 60 percent. The planting industry produces nearly 900 million tons of straw every year, of which about 200 million tons have not been effectively utilized. These agricultural waste, which cannot be integrated, is rich in organic matter and nutrients that are rich in crop growth. At the same time, there are pathogens, eggs, heavy metals, antibiotics, and the like are not conducive to crop growth and human health. If these agricultural waste is not integrated, it will become a valuable thing, it will be discharged and incinerated, and there is a big harm to the ecological environment. Organic fertilizer fermenter

Although the fertility of cow dung is not as good as chicken, it is not easy to burn seedlings. But don't care, you have to pile up, penetrate, apply it. The advantage of fermented cow dung is that high temperature fermentation can kill most of the bacteria, fermentation can be converted to nutrients, which is conducive to achieving the effect of fatness as soon as possible. At the same time, if you are with phosphate fertilizer, you can increase the utilization of phosphate fertilizer.

High-temperature good oxygen fermenter

The recycling of agricultural waste resources is highly valued, many experts in China, scholars have been Research, advocating the harmless treatment and comprehensive utilization technology of agricultural waste, currently using good oxygen composting and fermentation technology, the compost, compost of agricultural waste, uses aerobic bacteria in agricultural waste or human addition Microbacterial agents, biodegradation of agricultural waste, thereby achieving harmlessness and resource technology. This article studies and elaborates the good oxygen composting technology of cow dung, straw, aims to provide a basis for the penetration treatment of agricultural waste in the farm and organic fertilizer plant.

Cattle fermenter

cow manure fermenter can handle different feces, livestock, kitchen garbage, organic sewage sludge Fertilizer production process. Organic waste moisture is only 70 percent, no need to add any accessories, can be directly put into the can body, the equipment can be adapted to high temperature, alpine different regions organic fertilizer processing, using vertical closed tank structure, reduced Install the floor area. The equipment is made of organic fertilizer processing, so that microorganisms use the organic matter, residual protein, etc. in the body, residual protein, etc., so that the residual protein, etc. in the body, the residual protein, etc. Harmless treatment of organic fertilizer processing and production of avian waste.

Animal Husbandry

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