Chicken manure environmental protection processing equipment production process
10 - 13 - 2020

In order to better utilize chicken manure, we can make particulate organic fertilizers with chicken manure. This method is fast, high energy, energy saving. What is the production process of chicken manure environmental protection equipment?

Chicken manure fermenter

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Drying system: Drying material is an important step in chicken manure environmental protection processing equipment, so the drying system is the core part of the entire chicken manure environmental processing equipment. The effect of the dry material is achieved by evaporation of moisture in the drum.

Screening system: Before or after drying, the material will be subdivided according to different standards and different purposes. The screening system of chicken manure and environmental protection processing equipment played this role. It sieves the material by the vibration and related parameters of the vibrating screen. Screening systems play a key role in ensuring material quality.

Organic fertilizer fermentor

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Dust removal system: The dry material usually contains other mixtures and floating particles. These particles do not sink as heavy as heavy in gravity, and the particles will float in the air, affecting the material behind, which is easy to make the material natural, so it is necessary to clear it to ensure production.

Control System: The control system of the chicken manure environmental protection processing equipment can control the moisture of the material and the temperature during the drying process, and the amount of the material. Save human resources.

High-temperature aerobox fermentor

The method of use of chicken manure environmental processing equipment is A scientific and rigorous work, a slightly pool will lead to the effect of chicken manure fermentation to not completely ferment. In the current stage, the farmers are more likely to have an organic fertilizer fermenter; only 20 years of fermentation species, high temperature aerobic fermentation of chicken manure is used. Reach the feces on the same day, the fast treatment effect of organic fertilizer on the same day.

Animal husbandry

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