Since the harmless treatment of chicken manure, the farmers are not worried about losses.
09 - 18 - 2020

In the past ten years, the farming industry has been prepared by people. In addition to taking care of their families in their hometowns, more reasons can make money, much better work, can be described as a lot. However, as more and more people join this industry, the negative problems in this industry are also gradually exposed, that is, feces have caused great pollution to the local environment. As the government's management is more and more strict, this problem is more Severe.

The breeding industry has grown rapidly, especially the chicken industry, chicken manure treatment is a big problem. According to the test, chicken content is equivalent to the amount of cow dung three elements. 4.5-7.7 Multiply! After the fermentation of chicken manure is a comparative organic fertilizer, the nutrient content of chicken manure is very rich, with a large number of organic matter, and a high level of three factors, is an organic fertilizer!

Chicken manure fermenter

[ 123] Why is the chicken manure need to treat harmless treatment?

Does anyone ask the chicken manure to deal with? I didn't have it to use it directly, but the truth is that it is now administered.

Heavy metals such as heavy metals in feces.

Because of decades ago, the manure treatment was very simple. At that time, he raised pigs. No one would add a lot of antibiotics to the feed and containing heavy metals, a small amount of schone. There is still many feces that live livestock and poultry have been used to use to use it. However, with the rise and development of scale breeding, this situation has already changed. It should be noted that the livestock and poultry feces of the farm cannot be applied directly to the land, and standard harmless treatment must be carried out in advance.

Pig manure fermentor

[ 123]

The elements contained in chicken manure in the breeding industry are not huge.

1, burning roots, burning seedlings, smoked, dead

After the fermentation is not thorough, when it is achieved When the temperature is humidity, the chicken manure begins to ferment. The heat generated by fermentation will burn seedlings, rotten, black roots, yellow leaves, yellow, and severely cause plant death. 2, acidified soil, induce various rhizospheres and viral diseases

The pH of the chicken manure is about 4 or so, belongs to acidityIt will sour soil, resulting in chemical trauma and root tissue, and a large number of pathoons carried by chicken manure, once the humidity and temperature will break the disease.

3, breeding root knot

Chicken manure is a camp and hotbed of roots, itself carries root knot The number is 100 per 1000 grams, and the nematode eggs in chicken manure are easy to hatch, and tens of thousands of overnight.

Organic fertilizer fermenter

4, bring Antibiotics, affecting agricultural product stability

During the feeding process, the feed contains a large number of hormones, and antibiotics will also be used to prevent diseases, which will have a stable agricultural product.

5, heavy metal exceeds the standard

Heavy metal exceeds the standard: chicken manure contains very high amount of copper, mercury, chromium, cadmium, lead, arsenic Equal heavy metals, there are more hormone residues, resulting in heavy metals of agricultural products, pollutes underground water sources and soil,

There are many methods, fermentation tank, pit chicken manure treatment , Solar hot air dry treatment technology, closed greenhouse fermentation, high temperature good oxygen fermen tank harmless treatment, wherein the processing efficiency is high, and the fertilizer quality is eletant.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

chicken manure Hazard treatment, chicken manure fermentation equipment

Organic fertilizer fermenter is an environmentally friendly equipment that utilizes the decomposition of microorganisms in nature, and has been in a closed fermenter after 7 days. Continuous aerobic fermentation, the organic solid waste is fermented by microorganisms, deodorant and rusted, processed into chicken manure organic fertilizer for crops.

Normal feeding, production, continuous the fermentation process, achieve a comprehensive stirring, ventilation, heat insulation, etc. Promote the process of \"biological fermentation - livestock feces, body harmlessness\", realization, planting.

Therefore, properly handling the problem of breastfeit, not only brings good economic benefits, but also to clean and environmentally friendly, sustainable standards, can be said to be two days, So why?

Animal Husbandry

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