What are the misunderstandings in the daily management of chickens?
09 - 16 - 2020

Due to the current influence of African swine fever, the pig market is not ideal, all many people turn to chicken farm farm, then what is the misunderstanding in the breeding process of the daily chicken group? ? Today, Xiaobian will take a look at you! Misunderstanding 1: Abuse of feed additives. Many nursing users will regard feed additives as drugs that increase production performance, which is not abused according to the content of various nutrients of feed, so that both chicken feed costs and destroyed various nutrient balances.

Misunderstanding 2: Pre-early ovary. The egg chicken is not open to the production of the oxytocity. Since the chicken body has not yet fully developed mature, it is easy to form early age, resulting in a slow egg rate, the peak period is short, and some do not have the peak of the lay egg, thereby affecting Egg weight and egg yield.

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Misunderstanding 3: Blind introduction. Many of the kinds of nurses have a variety, the better, and blindly pursue new varieties and multiple varieties, regardless of the introduction of varieties to local natural conditions and the needs of feeding conditions and market demand. There is also a part of the chicken households only cheap, and the quality of chicks is ignored, and some even buy chicks from the epidemic area.

Misunderstand 4: Long-term medication. In the management of the seeds in the daily production of the chicken, it is necessary to prevent chicken disease for a long time, which not only causes drug waste and the damage of the drug to the kidneys of the chicken, but also causes anti-drug resistance, and severely affects the treatment of the disease. Effect.

Misunderstanding 5: Blind medication. Many young chickens have to encounter chicken diseases, not to invite veterinary diagnosis, but blindly use medicine, not only delayed the condition, but also waste.

Chicken manure fermenter

[ 123] Misunderstanding 6: Dinjuts. Do not press the nutritional standards required by the various growth stages of the chicken, and the nutrients are blindly added in the feed, resulting in the imbalance in various nutrients in the feed, thus affecting the growth and development of chickens.

Misunderstanding seven: suddenly changed. Due to the factors such as the growth phase of the chicken, there is a suitable transition period when the feed is required. If you suddenly replace the feed, it is easy to cause the stress response of the chicken, sometimes even cause death.

Misunderstanding 8: ChickenMixed with healthy chicken. Once the chicken in the chicken, the disease is not allowed to remove the sick chickens in time, but the healthy chicken is mixed in the same circle, it is easy to cause the spread of the epidemic, spread.

Misunderstanding Nine: Heavy vaccine prevention, light health disinfection. Chicken should generally prevent chicken's disease, but the health of the chicken house is not paying attention to the hazards of various infectious diseases. Therefore, before the new chicken seedlings, the chicken house should be disinfected.

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Misunderstand 10: Do not pay attention to elimination of low chicken. Over-resend rate, the weak chicken in the chicken, the disabled chicken, and the old low-proof egg chicken, etc.

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High temperature aerobic fermentation, more than 7 days, high temperature fermentation and decomposed. Effective killing eggs, pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds, achieving harmlessness and reduction treatment standards, producing organic fertilizer, supplying farming. What are the misunderstandings in the daily management of chickens? \"Do you learn? There is a lot of misunderstandings in the process of independence of daily breeding, and many farmers don't know how to do it is correct. I hope that today's explanation can gain something to everyone.

Animal Husbandry

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