Treatment of chicken manure, fermentation such as chicken manure treatment
09 - 11 - 2020

Chicken manure has a high use value, which basically knows that the state is that the state has very strict treatment of chicken manure, and there is an air in the country's ordinary chicken manure. Not small injuries, using the correct treatment, it is a very serious source of pollution.

Chicken manure contains rich organic matter, contains higher N , P K and trace elements are very good organic fertilizer raw materials. Dried chicken manure The nutrient content is rich, and the chicken manure contains a lot of protein, which is a good organic fertilizer raw material in the feces. It is important to handle the correct treatment of chicken manure.

Chicken manure fermenter

Why is it a chicken? It will become a serious pollution source for feces? Next, I will explain what the chicken manure treatment will be incorrect by one by one.

1. Contains a large number of parasites and insects

Not only chicken manure, all kinds of livestock and poultry include a large number of pathogens in human manure , Eggs and parasites, unsubstated manure is not directly applied to crops!

Chicken manure treatment is incorrect

2. Incomplete decomposition will result in roasting roots [ 123]

After fermentation of inert chicken manure, when the appropriate temperature humidity is reached, the chicken manure begins to ferment, the heat produced by fermentation will burn seedlings, rotten, black roots, yellow leaves, Huanghua, When it is serious, the plant is caused by the plant. The orchard Winter Spring is used to use chicken manure. Before and after the root of the roots, once the root will affect the accumulation of nutrient accumulation and the results of the coming year.

3. Acidification soil Due to the pH of the chicken manure is about


, it is acidic, soil is acidified. , Viral disease, epidemic, stem-based rot, root rot, cyber blight has become an obvious sequelae using chicken manure.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

Chicken manure fermentation

4. Antibiotic, affecting agricultural product stability

During the feed of chicken, in the feedContains a large number of hormones, anti-disease will also use antibiotics, which will pass through chicken manure into the soil, affect the quality of agricultural products.

Chicken manure itself is harmful, it is necessary to correct chicken manure treatment to avoid harm, turn waste into treasure, then what is in line with modern development, effective green and environmentally friendly chicken Decal treatment method? How can you do it correctly? Everyone looks together.

Pig manure fermentor

[ 123] Chicken manure fermentation treatment, chicken manure treatment fermentor

Chicken manure treatment requires fermentation and harmless treatment to apply into the soil, Bolong organic fertilizer fermentor equipment utilizes microorganisms The decomposition effect in nature, the decomposition of oxygen microorganisms in nature, the activity of aerobic microorganisms is used to decompose the organic matter in a closed fermenter, and produce high temperatures to the material. , The harmful substance such as killing pathogens, so that the water content of the material is lowered, the volume decreases, and the organic fertilizer rich in organic matter is produced.

Chicken manure fermenter, how to handle

Waste utilization,

[123 ] Correct chicken manure treatment, not only can bring good economic benefits, but also clean and environmentally friendly, sustainable standards, can be said to be two, so why not?

Animal Husbandry

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