Chicken manure organic fertilizer factory procedures
09 - 08 - 2020

With the expansion of the farm, the yield of chicken manure has also increased. In summer, the hot, the ammonia smell in the chicken hut is particularly heavy, which not only affects the normal growth of chickens, but also makes chickens to induce respiratory diseases, but difficult to control. Therefore, the treatment of chicken manure is not only related to the environment of the chicken farm, but also related to the health of chickens.

How do chicken farm handle chicken manure?

Chicken manure fermenter

chicken manure organic fertilizer Factory formalities

Chicken manure organic fertilizer is not only a good fertilizer, but also due to its high nutritional value, it can be used as a feed. One year, each layer can be excluded from about 36.4 kg of feces, each broiler can exclude 4.09 kg of feces (1 to February). Comprehensive utilization of organic fertilizer in chicken manure can greatly improve the sanitary environment of chicken farm, eliminate mosquitoes and odors, reduce the spread of disease, and make full use of this resource as feed, fertilizer, etc. Make chicken manure into treasures, producing better social, ecological and economic benefits. Chicken manure contains bacteria, nematode, root nematret, ground, blackheads, etc., these bacteria have spread seriously, bringing certain hazards to crops. So what procedure needs to build a chicken manure?

Chicken manure organic fertilizer office procedures: to the relevant departments apply for relevant documents to apply for a business license to the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Enter the environmental evaluation unit for environmental evaluation and apply to the local environmental protection bureau. Next, go to the tax registration certificate to the Provincial Agricultural Committee or Soil Fertilizer Station to apply for an organic fertilizer registration certificate. Of course, some procedures must be handled by the relevant departments. After the handle is successful, the production process of the organic fertilizer of chicken manure can be made.

Pig manure fermentor

[ 123] Chicken manure organic fertilizer factory formalities

In fact, chicken manure organic fertilizer itself is an organic fertilizer. Decompose before the application of chicken manure. Sex and eggs in chicken manure, as well as some infectious bacteria that are inactivated during decomposition (沤).

Chicken manure organic fertilizers contain various enzymes needed for medium intracene elements, beneficial bioactive bacteria and plants. These microbial bacteria can fix nitrogen, loose soil in the air, and decompose the phosphorite minerals that have been cured for long-term chemical-cured phosphorite to provide sufficient nutrients for crops.

Chicken manure contains bacteria, nematodes, root nematrets, mites, blackheads, and other bacteria, these bacteria have spread seriously, bringing certain harm to crops.

Organic fertilizer fermenter

How should we make chicken manure organic fat? ?

Three methods for making chicken manure organic fertilizers:

01 Stacking compost fermentation: stacking rectangular stack for static compost, accounting for The ground is large, the secondary pollution is serious, not environmentally friendly, and the odor is serious.

02 Cell Compost Fermentation: Place the compost mixture in a long trough structure for composting, the disadvantage is that the funds are large, the land utilization is low, and the stink is serious.

03 Tank Fermentation: Using modern biotechnology and automatic fermentation equipment, organic waste such as livestock and poultry is fermented. Chicken manure organic fertilizer fermenter is highly mechanized, feeding, discharge, temperature control one-button operation, one person can work, save a lot of artificial cost and processing costs.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

Reference, can body fermentation, the fermenter of the chicken manure is high, the fermentation temperature is high, the fermentation period is short; the composting treatment increases the feces.

Bo Long Chicken Did Oil Fertilizers Features: 1. Can Body Closure: Tank adopts full enclosure, the fermentation process is not affected by the natural environment, so that organic fertilizer production reaches industrial production Standard, preventing exhaust gas leakage caused by fermentation, eliminating secondary pollution 2. Insulation treatment: the inside of the can body is used to heat the insulation layer, which is small by the external effect, ensuring a year of four seasons. 3. Drive design: Hydraulic drive It can ensure that the cooker in the tank is full of operation, ensuring stable operation.

4. Energy Saving Design: Through the heat exchange processing system, heat the air in the can, reduce energy consumption, improve energy utilization, 5. use Long life: all the inner walls of the can use 304 anti-corrosion stainless steel, long service life. 6. Made operation: Electrical control, automatic and manual dual binding mode, easy to operate, easy to learn, save labor costs. 7. Save area: This equipment uses vertical closed tank structures, saving footprints, can be installed outdoors, and does not require plant.

Animal husbandry

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