Why can the chicken manure fermenter can ferment organic fertilizer
09 - 01 - 2020

In order to reduce the environmental pollution caused by breeding, better use of nutrients in chicken manure, to ensure the sustainable development of the poultry industry, put forward the fermentation of the fermented chicken manure with chicken manure, and achieve resource recycling and sustainable development. Farming mode. Bolong chicken manure fermenter fermentation chicken manure has fast fermentation velocity, good fertilizer, simple operation and other advantages. At present, mature chicken manure treatment should be a fermenter of chicken manure. It can sufficient fermented chicken manure, no secondary pollution. Moreover, the area is relatively small, the process is simple, the labor force is reduced, so it is favored by the major farms.

Chicken manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermenter

How is the Bolong chicken manure fermenter work? Why can it quickly ferment the chicken manure into organic fertilizer? The following small series will take you to understand the weapon of eating chicken manure. Chicken manure enters the fermenter, fast fermentation speed, can be fermented by about 7 days, greatly saving time energy and material consumption. When the decomposition speed is slowly dropped, a large number of pathogens and parasites in chicken manure can be killed.

[Product Design Advantage]

1. Tank is closed: tank is fully enclosed, the fermentation process is not affected by the natural environment, so that organic fertilizer production reaches industrial Production standards, prevent excessive exhaust gas from fermentation, eliminate secondary pollution

2. Insulation treatment: the inside of the can body is used to heat the insulation layer, affected by the outside, to ensure a year, four seasons

123] 3. Drive design: Hydraulic drive with strong thrust can ensure full load of the tank, ensuring stability of the operation

4. Energy-saving design: through the heat exchange processing system, make the tank heat gas circulation fermentation , Reduce energy consumption, improve energy utilization

5. Long service life: all 34 anti-corrosion stainless steel, long service life

6. Operation: Electrical control, automatic And manual dual binding mode, easy to operate, easy to learn, save labor cost

7. Save footprint: This device uses vertical closed tank structure, saving footprints, outdoor installation, No need to plant

Chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermenter

Unreated chicken manure transport difficult , Large size, low effective ingredient, high use cost. The organic fertilizer after chicken manure contains organic matter, nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium, and contains a trace element such as calcium, which is an excellent organic fertilizer. Chicken manure fermentation can quickly fermented chicken manure into organic fertilizer, solving the problem of chicken pollution, and realizes zero emissions from chicken pollutants. Now the environmental awareness is getting stronger and stronger, and the fermenter of the chicken manure may become a standard equipment for the chicken farm.

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