Chicken manure treatment
08 - 22 - 2020

The chicken manure treatment in the market is also a five-flowers, and the layers are endless. Many farmers have tried many kinds of chicken manure treatment, but the effect is still small. Therefore, here, introduce some of the commonly used chicken manure treatment methods, and hope to help the majority of farmers.

What should the chicken manure treatment method of a farm? What is the benefit of chicken manure treatment in a farm? What should I pay attention to when chicken manure treatment of a farm?

Organic fertilizer fermenter

Chicken manure treatment method 1: chicken manure power

in recent years Come, biological treatment is increasingly popular, and the fermentation tank is also gradually promoted, and the chicken manure power generation has become a large direction of chicken manure treatment. Of course, it is actually an important thing that is not power generation, or the problem of chicken manure can be resolved.

Chicken manure treatment method 2: Chicken manure pit storage

Currently, the simple method of chicken manure is to directly process it to the surrounding growers or farmers. After receiving chicken manure, they use ordinary changer storage methods to simply dry treatment, and use them as chemical fertilizers. In the countryside, we often see such chicken manure. Chicken manure contains organic fertilizer, which contains rich organic elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. If necessary, you can also choose to pay attention to the WeChat public number \"Animal Husbandry\", more practical breeding information is waiting for you. This kind of chicken manure treatment is used in farmland, or it can also maintain ecological health and increase crop yield.

Chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermentor

Chicken manure treatment method three: used as a biogas pond material

The raw material used as a biogas tank is a popular way of peasant in recent years. They will grow large when they are used as a biogas tank. Biogas can be used to live. The residue of biogas can be used as a fertilizer, so useless chicken manure can be utilized, and the value of chicken manure is also improved. In addition, this is also a good way for chicken manure treatment methods. Many farmers know that the taste of chicken manure is very pungent, using a biogas tank to reduce the taste of chicken manure. The fermentation time of chicken manure is also very fast, basically can be completed within half a month, thereby cleaning the advantages of chicken manure and playing chicken manure. In such chicken manure treatment, you only need to regularly collect chicken manure from some chicken houses and will be sent to the biogas tank at a fixed time.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

In order to reduce the environmental contamination caused by breeding, better use of chicken manure The nutrients, the sustainable development of the poultry industry, proposes the use of organic fertilizer fermentors to ferment the ferture, reaching the resource recycling, sustainable breeding model, using organic fertilizer fermentor fermentant pouternity has fast fermentation speed, fatigue, etc.Many advantages such as simple operation.

Animal Husbandry

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