Pig field pig manure treatment method
08 - 21 - 2020

In all pig farms, pig manure treatment is a very important step. When the pig farm produces too much feces and urine, it will seriously pollute the pig farm environment, which is unfavorable to the normality of pigs. Timely pig manure treatment is necessary. If pig manure treatment is not in time, it will directly affect the production and income of pig houses. So what is the practice method of pig farm? Let us look at all methods.

Pig manure fermenter, chicken manure fermenter

I. Dry cleaning method:

The so-called dry cleaning method is artificial clearing. Artificial clear feces mainly rely on artificial cleaning, transporting the car to the house with your cart. The advantages of this method are simple, no mechanical equipment, no electricity, water saving, and less investment. The disadvantage is that the labor intensity is high and the efficiency is low.

Second, the method of soaking manure: Soaking manure is a shallow pit under the flush of the pig house, specifically used to collect pigs and feces . At the same time, an exhaust pipe is set in the top of the shallow pit, improve the climate in the pig house, reducing the ammonia in the pig house. When collected to a certain extent, all dirt in the shallow bracelet will be discharged through a shallow sewage pipe or an external dilotizer. The advantage of this method is that the equipment does not need to be maintained, simple and convenient. The disadvantage is that the amount of water is relatively large, the pollution of water resources is relatively large, and the sewage produced is relatively large, the taste is relatively large. Today, because environmental requirements are getting higher and higher, there are very few people to use this method.

Third, the production of organic fertilizer law

Pig Manure treatment during fermentation, can effectively eliminate parasitic eggs and pathogens in pig manure, prevent the harm to crops; sufficient decomposition after the fermentation of pig manure, eliminate the root burning phenomenon; the fermentation process also put pigs Macromolecular organics contained in the feces are broken down into inorganic salts and minerals, which can be directly utilized by crops, and produce bacteria metabolism, enrich the nutrition of pig manure; more rare, the fermentation process is still a biological deodorization process, fermentation There is no odor, which is more convenient to use. The advantage of this method is that the aerobic fermentation temperature is high, the fermentation period is short; the composting treatment increases the value of feces. It is one of the effective methods for the treatment method of pig farm.

So what is the equipment for the production of organic fertilizer? What is the benefit of pig farm manure treatment? What should I pay attention to when pig farm manure treatment?

Pig manure fermenter characteristics: 1, organic fat pig manure fermenter fermentation speed fast, normal under normal conditions can be fermented, greatly saving time Energy and material consumption. 2, organic fat pig manureThe fermenter is adapted, and the northern and north can be affected by the temperature. Even in the cold area in the north, due to the sealing of the organic fat pig manure, the fermentation can be fermented as usual as usual 3, organic fat pig manure fermenter mechanization High degree, feed, discharge, temperature control one, one person can work, save a lot of artificial cost and processing costs.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

pig manure fermenter character: 4, organic Fat pig feces fermenter energy-saving and environmentally friendly, mainly using microbial thermal power assist electrical energy, atomization deodorization, exhaust air can completely reach the standard, greatly reduce harmful gas emissions and environmental pollution, fully satisfied with modern green ecological environmental requirements, 5 The organic fat pig manure fermencell covers a small area, the area is one thousandth of the traditional fermentation, and the investment in the farm or organic fertilizer plant has greatly increased the space of material fermentation, and won a bigger for manufacturers. Economic benefits are also better for manufacturers to conduct large-scale mass production.

Animal husbandry

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