How to deal with sheep manure | sheep manure treatment equipment
09 - 23 - 2021

Many people do not know what fertilizer is decomposed, how to ferment and decompose, and what kind of fertilizer can be used as fertilizer. They all know that if sheep dung is used directly without fermentation and decomposition, it will cause the danger of burning the roots and seedlings of crops, fruit trees or flowers, and cause huge losses.

Let me explain what sheep dung is processed and matured, how to ferment, at what stage can it be used, and what are the specific steps?

Fermentation and decomposition of fertilizer is the process of fermenting and decomposing fertilizer into fertilizer that can be absorbed by plants. In this process, the temperature should be controlled at a moderate level. If it is too high, bacteria and mold will die; if it is too low, fermentation and decomposition reactions will be too slow. Generally speaking, the fermentation itself generates heat, and the temperature balance is manually controlled, without high temperature heating. After fermentation, the material will be at natural temperature, and there will be no secondary heating, so as to achieve the purpose of use.

Sheep manure is fermented, and sheep manure is fermented fertilizer.

The specific operation method is as follows:

1. Build a pile of sheep dung processing materials.

When stacking things, don't be too small or too short. If it is too small, it will affect fermentation. Pile fermentation with a height of 1.5-2 meters, a width of 2 meters, and a length of 2-4 meters is better.

Sheep manure is fermented, and sheep manure is fermented fertilizer.

2. Temperature requirements for sheep dung treatment.

The starting temperature should be above 15℃ (operable in four seasons, not affected by the season, try to ferment indoors or in a greenhouse in winter)

3. Moisture requirements for sheep dung treatment.

The moisture content of the fermentation material should be controlled at about 65 percent. Too high or too low is not conducive to fermentation, too little water, fermentation is slow; too much water will cause poor ventilation, slow temperature rise and unpleasant smell.

Method of adjusting the moisture content of the material: if the moisture content is too high, add straw, sawdust, mushroom residue, etc.

How to judge whether the moisture is suitable or not: Hold a handful of materials tightly, see the watermark between your fingers, but it is appropriate to disperse without dripping.

4. Treatment of sheep dung, turning the pile and aeration.

During the fermentation process, pay attention to proper oxygen supply and turn over (turn over several times when the temperature rises to 75°C or above), and control the temperature rise at about 65°C. Too high temperature will affect nutrients.

5. The sheep dung processing and fermentation are completed. Generally speaking, the fermentation can be completed within a week, the material is dark brown, and the temperature begins to drop to room temperature, indicating that the fermentation is complete. If there are too many auxiliary materials such as sawdust, sawdust and rice husk, the fermentation time should be extended to complete decomposition.

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