How does the chicken be deodorized?Chicken is odor, teach you a few tricks, easily remove the chicke
08 - 15 - 2020

How is the chicken house deodorized? Whether it is a chicken house or a chicken farm under the forest, there is a chicken house. It may be a simple chicken house built under the forest, and the chicken house consisting of chickens is more professional. During the course of the farming, the feces inside the forest and the cocks will make smear, especially the chicken manure in the chicken house, and the chicken trees in the hut. If it is not cleaned up in time, the chicken manure will cause malodor, resulting in respiratory disease. So how do the owners of the chicken make harmful gases and stink? Let us look at today.

1, the placement deodorization

How to deodorize the chicken house? Sulfur can be incorporated into sulfur, so that the decreased acid is less than 7, the ammonia gas in chicken manure can be produced and exuded, thereby reducing the content of ammonia in the chicken house, how is the chicken deodorized? Reduce odor and ensure the smooth growth of the chicken. In general, 5 kg sulfur is sprayed every 100 square meters. After the meeting, it is necessary to maintain the humidity in a suitable humidity. If the filler is too wet, there will be no effect. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly replace the liner, usually replace each month to ensure that the pad is cleaned.

Organic fertilizer fermenter

2 By using the calcium phosphate to deodorize, calcium phosphate can be chemically reacted with ammonia in chicken manure, forming an odorless solid phosphate, which reduces the emissions of the feces, reducing the odor of the chicken. In general, 10 pieces of calcium phosphate are sprinkled on the ground per 100 square meters, and then sprinkled on the filler. Similarly, after replacing the pad, sprinkle every half a month.

3, chemical deodorization

In addition to the above two methods, how is the chicken deodorable? Chemical weeding is also a commonly used deodorization method. Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, acetic acid, etc. There is an odor stopping, making the chicken stink. Bedding can spray 4% of copper sulfate. At the same time, the chicken house is disinfected once every six months and replaced the bedding in time.

High-temperature good oxygen fermenter

4, Chinese medicine deodorization

How to divide Smelly? It is also a good way to use our traditional Chinese medicine. We can use Ai Ye, Mao Attrace, Green, Garlic and Straw, in the stable area of \u200b\u200bthe huthouse, can also play a good antibacterial deodorization, thus improving the air quality of the chicken house, monthly Can be carried out once.

Chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermenter

Of course, the convenient deodorization method is still fermenting tank with Bolong's chicken manure. Chicken manure is rapidly fermented into organic fertilizer, sealed tank, effectively handling chicken manure odor, producing high quality organic fertilizer. The chicken manure 8-12m3 can be handled every day.

Animal Husbandry

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