Simple method of sludge treatment, sludge rapid treatment!
08 - 14 - 2020

With the development of my country's economy, urban sewage emissions increased, and the amount of sludge also increased significantly. The rapid use of sludge treatment and sludge is gradually become the focus of attention at home and abroad. So which method should be used to use a fast and simple sludge treatment for urban sludge, sewage, etc. What is the benefit of sludge treatment? What is the importance of sludge treatment?

Existing disposal methods at home and abroad mainly include hygiene landfill, water consumption, incineration, compost, land use, etc. According to the existing technology in my country, the main way of China's sludge disposal is landfill. China's right treatment method is sludge fertilization, namely sludge land use. So what is the importance of urban sludge treatment? Why is it necessary to pay attention to urban sludge treatment, what benefits can be brought by sludge? Next, look along with Xiaobian!

Organic fertilizer fermenter

The importance of sludge treatment and utilization, what hazard is incorrect:

[ 123] Urban sludge refers to the precipitation substance produced by urban sewage treatment plants in the process of sludge treatment. This sludge contains high water, easy to rot, has a strong smell, and contains parasitic eggs, pathogenic microorganisms and heavy metals. If you don't properly handle, any emissions will cause secondary pollution to the environment, directly harm the human body.

Sludge is advantageous, correct sludge treatment can be varied as treasure:

Sludge treatment is rich in nutrients, there is a lot of nutrients, can be treated with correct fermentation Very good solving sludge treatment problem, transform sludge into organic fertilizer, applied to farmhouse, fruit trees, greenhouses, etc., bringing certain benefits, waste reuse, sludge treatment into treasures, value is considerable.

What is the method of sludge treatment? What equipment will be used in sludge treatment? Let me know one by one.

Traditional sludge treatment method:

Land buried: In the past, many developed countries were dealing with sludge, accounting for many proportions. Filling is also the main method of China. The treatment process of this method is very simple, and sludge treatment is particularly suitable for poor quality sludge, but it takes a lot of space and freight, foundation needs to prevent treatment, sludge treatment and use to avoid pollution groundwater and exude odor.

Chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermenter

Incineration method: in Europe, America, heavy metal or other toxic substance content in sludge treatment High and not suitable for agricultural use, it is often taken. Sludge treatment is used to generate a sterile and odorless inorganic residue after incineration.

However, both these disposal methods do not achieve comprehensive utilization of sludge, there is a certain social and environmental issue, not an outway of sludge disposal.

[123So, with the advancement of the times, the development of technology, choosing the use of Bolong sludge to use the fermenter equipment, reasonably effectively and effectively solve the problem of urban sludge.

It is a continuous system that can be sludge treatment every day, and organic fertilizers are produced every day. The bucket lift lifts organic waste and automatically puts sludge treatment into (can body). Organic waste is mixed in a tank by stirring the blade. The special heat exchanger uses the heat of exhaust gas to heat fresh air and enters the tank, and the sludge treatment is blown out from the holes of the blade by the fermenter hot air. Warm air accelerates the evaporation of aerobic fermentation and moisture of organic waste sludge, with an average of 7 days, organic waste sludge treatment is converted to high quality organic fertilizers.

High-temperature good oxygen fermenter

For my country's developing countries, comprehensive sludge treatment is fast Utilization, especially agricultural use, is undoubtedly a good choice, achieving effective use of sludge, turning waste into treasure, making resources and economic benefits, will become the development direction of sludge treatment.

Animal Husbandry

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