Kitchen waste treatment
08 - 14 - 2020

The epidemic is about to pass, then how to deal with the kitchen garbage? China's epidemic is about to pass, people's lives will step into the right track, especially in the catering industry, what should I have? On April 27, Wuhan announced re-implementing garbage classification. In fact, in 2019, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and other places have begun to promote garbage classification, but due to this year's epidemic, progress has been postponed. Nowadays, the domestic epidemic is about to pass, and the kitchen waste classification processing project has been restored.

What is a kitchen garbage

Kitchen garbage is an important part of organic waste in urban solid waste. In terms of chemical components, the kitchen waste consists mainly of protein, lipid, starch, cellulose and inorganic salts. The physical and chemical characteristics can be described as \"four high\", that is, high oil volume, high organic matter content, high salt amount and High water content. The nutrients and content of kitchen waste, high water content, easy to rot, acid, stink, easy to get harmful organisms. If it is not timely or improper handling, it will not only cause air pollution and water pollution, but also seriously interfere with the normal life of people. How does the kitchen garbage deal with?

Organic fertilizer fermenter

Treatment method of kitchen garbage

1. Kitchen waste crush direct discharge solution [ 123]

Crushing direct discharge processing is the main way of Western countries to solve a small amount of decentralized kitchen garbage. It is immediately broken and broken in the kitchen garbage. Then in water cleaning, discharge it into the city's sewer pipe network, and life with city life The sewage is incorporated into the urban sewage treatment station for collection processing. The crushing method processes the kitchen garbage through a small amount of dispersion, such as the family kitchen garbage, has the advantages of high cost performance, simple technology, can reduce the water content of the kitchen garbage, reduce the collection, help to improve the hot value of the kitchen waste.

2. Kitchen garbage landfill solution

There are many local kitchen garbage in our country to be delivered to the garbage disposal plant with garbage disposal. Garbage landfill is the main treatment method of most countries' living waste harmless treatment. The kitchen waste contains a large amount of degradable ingredients, fast stable speed, which is conducive to repair use of the garbage disposal plant, and is simple to operate, so universal application. With the recognition of the convenience of the use of garbage in the kitchen, the garbage landfill rate in Europe, America, South Korea, China, and kitchen garbage has also been declining, and many countries are strictly prohibited to enter the garbage disposal field.

3. Organic fertility solution

The organic fertility solution for kitchen garbage mainly includes both oxygen fermentation and anaerobic digestion. The oxygen fermentation link is under the premise of aerobic, and the organic compound is decomposed into a soluble organic component using aerobic microbacterial strains, penetrate into the cell, and complete the entire composting section through the metabolism of microbial strains. Good foodThe kitchen waste treatment of aerobic equipment is an organic fertilizer fermenter. One-button is fermented, and the organic matter fermentation can be processed into organic fertilizer for 7 days to achieve a treasure of the kitchen garbage.

Chicken manure fermenter

The kitchen waste treatment machine is high in the urban and rural domestic garbage, rich in nutritious Features, take advantage of the high-temperature aerobic microbial strain developed, decompose organic matter, produce organic fertilizers, make garbage become treasures, have the advantages of specifications, strong adaptability, wide application range, easy maintenance, widely used in the family, residential area , Shop, restaurant, restaurant, restaurant, domestic waste treatment, etc.

Kitchen waste anaerobic digestion is under the premise of special anaerobic, and microbial strains decompose organic waste, including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen into methane gases and CO2, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements. The residue remains in the form of a plant absorption and utilization. The anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste is large, and methane is made with a small number of anaerobic fermentation.

High temperature aerobox fermentor

4. Energy-quantization treatment

In recent years, The rapid energy treatment of incineration, thermal decomposition, fermentation, hydrogen production, etc., the combustion process is high, and 5% of the waste residue treatment. Burning is carried out in a dedicated incinerator. The generated calorique can be converted to steam or electrical energy to achieve energy recovery. However, the combustion waste has the advantages of high water efficiency, low-calorie, combustion, need to add auxiliary fuel, which is also a difficult problem. The thermal decomposition method is to heat the kitchen garbage at high temperatures, and the food waste is converted into fuel, oil and carbon form, and then utilized. The pyrolysis method has broad application prospects, but the technology has not met the actual application phase, as a high quality clean energy, as an alternative energy source is widely considered effective.

Animal Husbandry

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