How to handle chicken manure to do organic fertilizer
08 - 04 - 2020

Currently, the improvement and recovery of soil has become a necessary step in developing facilities vegetables. How to improve and repair soil? Many people think that organic fertilizers should be used again! In fact, re-applying organic fertilizers are a key step in improving soil. But in fact, the friends of the vegetable farmers have been administering organic fertilizers, such as handling chicken manure, but the result is that the soil is not improved, and the vegetable seedlings are killed! At this time, the vegetarian farmers want to cry without tears, can't find a fundamental reason.

Pig manure fermenter chicken manure fermenter high temperature good oxygen fermenter

organic fertilizer can improve soil and fertile soil, Make full use of farm fertilizer. The experience of the old generation is worth learning. But the environment is changing, the chicken is not the original chicken, and the feces produced by chickens are not the original feces. At present, chicken manure and dry chicken feces are often sold in farms, including large amounts of bacteria and eggs, directly applied to the soil, which will seriously damage the soil environment and increase the incidence of pests and diseases.

Reminds that only short-term high temperature treatment of chicken manure, can not decompose, can not kill some stubborn harmful bacteria and eggs. In addition, many farms use caustic sodium to prevent disease, causing a large number of caustic soda in chicken manure; in the summer and autumn seasons, in order to promote the rapid development of chicken duck, people add a large amount of salt in drinking water, causing high chicken. Many vegetable farmers re-apply organic fertilizer, such as handling chicken manure to alleviate soil salt, but they don't know that the chicken manure contains a large amount of caustic sodium and salt, which leads to deterioration of soil conditions.

At the same time, in order to shorten the long-term, antibiotics, and other hormones is essential in this breeding chicken, although many farms are strict Comply with national regulations. However, there are still many farmers' top winds, hazardous substances such as hormones and heavy metals pollute chickens and their generated chicken manure.

Further, when used, the treatment of chicken manure has not decomposed and enters the soil, which will result in the explosive growth of soil microorganisms, and the heat produced will severely burn the root system. At the same time, microorganisms will quickly consume oxygen, decompose and release large amounts of harmful gases, such as ammonia, this aspect reduces the rooted aerobic breathing, on the other hand, ammonia smokes the roots and seedlings. This is why seedling has died before the seedlings have changed in soil.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

How to handle chicken manure to do organic fertilizer

Bolong treated chicken manure fermentor It is an environmentally friendly equipment that uses microorganisms in nature.Decomposition, after 7 days, continuous aerobic fermentation in a closed fermenter, the organic solid waste is fermented, deodorized and rusted, processed into excellent organic fertilizers that can be used for crops.

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