Method for rapid fermentation of chicken manure
08 - 04 - 2020

As is well known, chicken manure is organic fertilizer, but direct use will cause a certain harm to crops, and its nutritional value for crops can only be fully utilized after decomposition. How to ferment the chicken manure? What is the rapid fermentation method of chicken manure?

Chicken manure fermented can pig manure fermentor

Bolong chicken manure fermenter can perform high temperature of chicken manure Good oxygen fermentation,

7-day fermentation processed into organic fertilizer. 1, this product nutrient content is far super national NY525-2012 standard, organic matter is greater than 50%, nitrogen phosphorus potassium is greater than inextro, Composite strains of 1.4 billion / gram. The nutrients are sufficient, slow-release, soft, lasting, stable.


provides nutrients required for crop growth. Chicken manure organic fertilizer is applied into the soil, decomposed by microbial, can constantly release nutrients required for various crop growth, and also release a large amount of carbon dioxide, supply to the object to absorb and promote crop photosy. Yield. 3, improved soil, fertilizer. The organic matter in the organic fertilizer of the chicken manure is formed in the decomposition process, which can promote the formation of soil grain structure, improve the physical and chemical traits of the soil, enhance soil storage, water supply performance, improve soil plowing and improve soil thermal insulation capacity, thus achieving The role of fertilizer.

4, chicken manure organic fertilizer increases chemical fertilizer utilization. The organic fertilizer of chicken manure is applied with chemical fertilizer, escalating, and complement each other, can significantly improve the fat effects of fertilizer.


improve crop yield and improve crop quality. Chicken manure organic fertilizer contains rich amino acids, nucleic acids, active enzymes, etc., improve and optimize crop nutrient conditions during decomposition, not only increases crops to nutrient absorption, strengthen metabolism, stimulate growth, and greatly improve agricultural products. quality.

High temperature aerobic fermenter

6, enhanced microbial activity, alleviating pests and diseases. On the one hand, thereby increasing the number of soils in the soil; on the other hand, it has created good environmental conditions for soil microorganisms, enhancing soil microbial activity, promoting root raw nutrition, and improving the decomposition of soil microorganisms to chicken manure organic fertilizers. The beneficial microorganisms in the soil have propagated, forming microbial flora, thus improving crop soil microorganism environments, can reduce anti-anthropic bacteria, effectively prevent root rot, vertical disease, rhizosphere disease, etc.A variety of diseases.

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