good news!Manure regeneration country subsidy policy is coming
07 - 20 - 2020

In recent years, straw incineration, atmospheric pollution causes the ecological environmental pollution to be increasingly serious, chemical excessive application leads to soil rings, salting, to further protect the ecological disorder, relieve soil salinization, the government proposes straw, livestock and poultry Waste stack of organic fertilizers. Recently, the relevant national ministries issued a reply on the recommendations of organic fertilizer production and application awards to the National People's Congress. In recent years, the State has issued a series of preferential policies that support organic fertilizer industry development.

One is to produce sales and wholesale, retail organic fertilizers, organic-inorganic compound fertilizers, organic-inorganic compound fertilizers, organic-inorganic compound fertilizers and organic fertilizers. For crop straw, forestry triple remain comprehensive utilization products, implement a certain proportion of VAT refund policies.

The second is to purchase 50,000 yuan or less equipment for enterprises, and the expenditure of the appliance allows for one-time tax before tax.

The third is to enjoys a small-microcternery of the company's income tax preferential policy to increase the upper limit of the tax payment amount, from 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan.

The fourth is to cancel the company's entrustment of overseas research and development costs shall not add deduction limit.

The five is to extend high-tech enterprises and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises from 5 years to 10 years.

Sixth is to unify the quota of the general enterprise's staff education funds and the limit of high-tech enterprises.

Chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermentation equipment

These policies belong to the Popular policy, and the eligible organic fertilizer production enterprises can be enjoyed according to law. So what qualifier manufacturers meet these HP policies can be applied to apply for these HP policies? Xiao Bian is simply sorted out, the specific requirements are as follows:

1. Subsidy object

Use livestock feces, crop straw, edible bacteria waste cultivation, etc. The main production of raw materials, the product organic fertilizer, organic and inorganic compounding and products are mainly used for local agricultural production base fertilizer production enterprises.

Second, subsidy principles

1 Strong ability, advanced equipment level and equipment update and renovation enterprises have expanded, implement standardized production, and have a fertilizer production enterprise with trademark brands. The subsidy fund is mainly used for equipment update transformation.

Bolong chicken manure fermenter blunt, organic fertilizer fermenter

Third, enterprise declaration conditions

1. Have independent legal person qualifications, legally operated fertilizer production enterprises.

2, with livestock and poultry feces and crop straw, edible bacteria waste as the main production of raw materials, product organic fertilizers, organic and inorganic compounding fertilizers must comply with national or ministerial standards.

With straw, fertilizer equipment

3, with a formal fertilizer product registration certificate, the product is checked by quality inspection department.

4, organic fertilizer annual production scale reached more than 10,000 tons. 5, annual fertilizer product formal community test organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, has a significant production enterprise. 6, a large-scale fertilizer production enterprise.

1 The product is subtracted, discovered production, sales of organic fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

2, the Municipal Agriculture Bureau organizes the formal test of organic fertilizer production enterprises in accordance with the above conditions. In principle, the fertilizer test is based on the development of organic fertilizer production enterprises, and it is carried out every 2-3 years.

3, the Municipal Agriculture Bureau agrees with the Municipal Finance Bureau to agree to the list of primary options.

4. Any production enterprise that meets the declaration of the declaration shall declares the agricultural competent department and the financial department of the region, and the district agricultural supervisor and the regional finance department are reviewed by the form of documents to the Municipal Agricultural Bureau and the city. The Finance Bureau declarested that the municipal manufacturer directly declared the Municipal Agriculture Bureau and the Municipal Finance Bureau. Four parts of the application materials, including basic cases of enterprises, business license, fertilizer product registration certification, corporate preparation project implementation plan and annual production scale and sales status.

Five, assessment acceptance

1 (Attached to the signature).

2, the Municipal Agriculture Bureau will meet with the city's financial sector, to investigate the production situation of enterprises, investigate the production of enterprises, facilities and equipment, research and development, original accessories, process, production Specifications, organic fertilizer usage, sales. According to the production and operation of the company, the qualified enterprises will pay subsidy funds.

3, where to enjoy subsidy companies should sell organic fertilizers to local farmers or large households with preferential prices.

At the same time, various provinces and cities have also added agricultural machinery subsidies, and subsidies for the equipment of livestock and poultry feces, each local quota and amount are different, need to go to the local agricultural and animal husbandry and the Environmental Protection Bureau.For detailed consultation.

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