\"African swine fever\" size pig farm is epidemic?Act quickly
07 - 18 - 2020

\"African swine fever epidemic transmission is complicated, and it may rebound with a slight relaxation, and it is necessary to establish and improve the normalized prevention and control measures.\" African swine fever continued to present a big blow to my country's pig breeding industry. Important things emphasize three times: African swine fever is a pig! African swine fever is a pig! African swine fever is a pig!

At this moment, it is not only African swine fever, but also in the first half of the new crown epidemic, then do the scale prevention of the pig farm is crucial, then how should it be correct Prevention and control pig farm virus spread?

Beliefly, the foreign virus is brought into the pig field

Some pig farms are ignored For the detection link of the pork invested, the foreign virus is brought into the pig farm. Many new epidemic diseases are also incommented, and sometimes even new and old combines new viruses. As a result, new epidemic is increasing, and the old antifestine is repeated. Therefore, if you introduce a pig from a field, you must learn more about local diseases and immunization, carefully check that pigs are only healthy and have effective quarantine proofs and ear tags. Transport cages should be disinfected, and the transportation route is far from the epidemic area. After introducing pigs, then observe the isolation zone away from the pig farm, supplementing the vaccination.

Many pig farm diseases have enrolled due to foreign vehicles, and those who caused viruses or bacteria caused infections. Vehicles buying and selling piglets or big pigs must strictly control, disinfect, strictly forbidden to approach the pig farm, which requires the pig farm to be more than 200 meters from the wall of the pig farm, to avoid off-site vehicles close to the pig farm. In the critical period of the prevention and control of the disease, the pig farm staff adheres to the job responsibilities, and strictly prevent other animals into the pig farm.

Establish a strict sterilization system

1. Disinfection of foreign people and vehicles The pig farm should try to visit. Second, the pig farm should build a disinfection room and disinfection tank. Third, the pig farm staff should shower, replace the work cap, and disinfect by the disinfection room. Enter the piglet to disinfect the sole through the sterilization tank of the house. Fourth, to strengthen the routine disinfection of the circle, usually disinfect once a week. Decorate should be cleaned after each feeding. Wash the flushing tank, circle, ground, and disinfect every half a month. Before and after the pig, \"full-time\", as well as the lap house of the disease, should be sterilized in the whole audience. After the death of pigs, they must be deeply embedded after disinfection. In addition, the coil is cleaned twice a day, and the waste of feces and other waste are taken from the pig farm, and bioferder disinfection or chemical disinfection. Keep the pig house without accumulating manure, ventilated dry, cleaning.

Specification vaccination

The vaccine must be produced by the national designated formal vaccine manufacturer, within the validity period, the storage method is correct. Dilution factor, dose and inoculation site should be correct. The pig farmhouse must prepare 5% of the iodine cotton, 70 percent alcoholic cotton and a percent of perfoxic acid, sodium hypochlorite disinfectant, and other conventional disinfectants. During inoculation, each pig will use 1 needle, and the injection site should be disinfected. The health status of the pigs should be understood that there should be no disease before vaccination, and the incubation period of the disease cannot be vaccinated to prevent disease. After the vaccine is injected, the pig group is regularly inspected twice ~ 3 times, see if the mental state, appetite, body temperature, etc. are normal. Treatment should be administered to a pig after vaccination.

The pig farm is very important, especially the treatment of pig farm stains, fermentation and other fermentation methods such as the status quo, and the Ministry of Agriculture also pays considerable attention to livestock and poultry. Therefore, it is very important to have the proper treatment of breeding households.

Pig manure fermentation, Bolong pig manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermenter

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Bolong organic fertilizers can effectively treat pig manure, chicken manure, animal body, produced biological organic fertilizer, material into the Bolong organic fertilizer fermenter, 24 under the role of aerobic bacteria 24 Fast decomposition within -48 hours, the released heat rises rapidly.

Pig manure fermentor, pig manure fermentation

utilized in livestock feces Organic matter, residual protein, etc., rapidly breed at a certain temperature, humidity and sufficient oxygen environment. Effective output of biological organic fertilizer, bringing considerable benefits, a huge contribution to human environmental protection project, and also controlling the viral spread of the pig farm. Strengthening the virus prevention and control of the farm, but also is not only the baby pigs of the pig farm, but also the responsibility of surrounding residents, contributing to the sustainable development of sustainable development, adheres to the development of production and development, prosperity, and good ecological development. the way.

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