How does biological organic fertilizer improve crop quality and improve soil fertility?
07 - 18 - 2020

Biological organic fertilizers refer to a specific function microorganism and a class of micro-organisms that are combined with the main plant residues (such as livestock feces, crop straw, etc.) Fertilizer for fertilizer and organic fertilizer effect. Since the 1990s, some of our research units and enterprises have developed and produced a class of products that are collectively referred to as \u0026 quot; biological organic fertilizers \u0026 quot; products.

Due to the development and production of such fertilizer products, it is integrated with organic fertilizers and biological fertilizers, which are both conducive to increase production income, and will benefit flora soil, improve soil micro-ecosystem, reduce inorganic fertilizer. Improve and improve the quality of agricultural products, in line with the direction of my country's agricultural sustainable development and green food production, in the past few years, it has developed rapid development.

Here we focus on the effect and mechanism of biological organic fertilizer:

1 Improve crop yield, improve crop quality

Biological organic fertilizer nutrient release is slow. In terms of nitrogen nutrition, more than NH4 + or amino acids are supplied to plants. After entering plant cells, there is no need to consume a large amount of energy and plant photosy, such as sugar and organic acid, etc., directly participate in the synthesis of plant cells, so the plant grows fast, Accumulated sugar is much more material, natural agricultural quality is good, and rarely harmful substances such as nitrates are polluted. Applying organic fertilizers in Bahun Day, the active ingredient of Bahun Day is different degrees of different degrees of methylisperbin-1-methyl ether, alcoholic sugar and polysaccharide.

2. Improve soil fertility, improve soil physicochemical properties

Soil organic matter directly affects soil storage, water storage, buffering And ventilation conditions, etc. Therefore, the soil organic matter content is an important indicator of soil fertility and is the material foundation of soil fertility.

Administration of biological organic fertilizers can not only supplement the consumed plant nutrient, but also continuously improve the soil organic matter content. Applying biological organic fertilizers in tobacco, the organic matter content of the soil has increased. After administration of biological organic fertilizers in Apple, the organic matter content increased by 75.8%, the soil capacity is reduced by 12.5%, the porosity of the hair pipe is 9 o'clock, which can be obvious. Improve soil structure, increase soil porosity, improve soil water storage and ventilation.

Organic quality is decomposed by microbial decomposition, which is condensed into new humic, which can combine clay and calcium ions in the soil to form an organic inorganic complex, promote the formation of water stability in the soil, so that the soil can be coordinated The contradiction between medium water, fertilizer, gas, heat, improve soil structure, soil soil, and the cultivation is better.

3. Increase soil to provide nutrients to crops

In general, nitrogen-organic fertilizers are added to the biological organic fertilizer, which is mainly based primarily by the role of nitrogenase. The N2 reduction in the air is NH4 + which can be absorbed by the crop. The nitrogen availability efficiency of the microorganisms varies greatly due to soil conditions.

There is also a number of solby phosphomic and silicate bacteria in biological organic fertilizer. After the soil, the soil is propied and synergistic with other soil microorganisms can decompose some original minerals in the soil. At the same time, the nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium immobilized, and the non-active state of phosphorus and potassium are simultaneously converted into an effective source of active nutrients that can be used to absorb the use of crops, and the soil fertilizer capacity is improved.

4. Improve soil micro-ecosystems, improve the level of soil biofaturation

Generally, the rusted organic fertilizer contains yeast, lactic acid bacteria, The cellulose decomposing is beneficially beneficial, and the biological organic fertilizer with a functional bacteria may also contain some suitable bacteria such as nitrogen, silicate bacteria, phosphorus microbial, photosynthetic bacteria and psessa. In addition to the ability to produce a large active substance, these microorganisms have the capacity of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and some have the ability to stop plant root pathogens, and some have the ability to improve the soil microorganism.

The composition of the microorganisms in the soil can be adjusted in the soil, so that the structure of microorganisms in the soil changes in the soil. After administration of organic fertilizers in the orchard, the number of soil bacteria, fungi and release bacteria in the root area increased, and the bacteria dominant. This is because when there is a fresh organic substance into the soil, new energy is provided for microorganisms, making microorganisms a large change in population quantity.

In my country's existing cultivation management system, such as long-term connection, excessive relying on fertilizer, unreasonable or excessive use of pesticides, resulting in soil microorganisms and soil animal composition to develop in harsh direction, not only harmful The number of microbiological groups rises, and reduces the level of soil biometric fertility, which may be worthy of attention and strengthen research in future sustainable development.

Microbiology is the core of biofaturation, which is an indispensable core component that constitutes soil fertility. Manual vaccination microorganisms, that is, administration of biological organic fertilizers, is an effective means of maintaining and improving soil fertility.

5. Reducing or reducing the occurrence of plant pests and diseases

Biological organic fertilizer has the effect of improving soil ecological environment and soil microbial zone, Reducing the occurrence of crop pests play a more important role. This is because in biological organic fertilizers contain a variety of non-pathogenic microbial flora, during the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, multiple antibiotics, insecticidal substances, and plants can be secreted.Long hormones can not only stop the activities of plant pathogenic microorganisms, but also to prevent plant diseases, but also stimulate crops grow, promote their roots, promote synthesis of chlorophyll, proteins and nucleic acids, and improve crops.

Chicken manure fermentation, pig manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermenter

In recent years, organic fertilizer isSome ecological demonstration zones, green and organic agricultural products have been widely used, which is the main direction of future development of biological organic fertilizers.With the problem of decline in soil and agricultural products, agriculture promotes development ecological sustainable agriculture!Therefore, future biological organic fertilizers are the way to achieve sustainable development of agriculture in the future.

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