Poultry feeding disinfection
07 - 17 - 2020

The chicken disease in some chicken farm is always good, continuous, and cannot be effectively controlled. The reason is nothing more than the following aspects: one is right Some types of diseases are confused; second is a mixed infectious disease diagnosis error; third is to use antibiotics; four is the same group of diseased children, and the diseased chicken drugs are often insufficient; five is backward treatment, ignore environmental disinfection And chicken disinfection; six is \u200b\u200bto pay attention to vaccine immunity, neglect the comprehensive epidemic prevention; seven is a continuous feeding method, not full, the environmental governance is not good, the person, the vehicle can enter and exit a strict system and implementation measures.

To make the poultry farm in an invincible, the well-building health and epidemic prevention system should be made:

1. Do a good job in environmental sanitation work in poultry farm

The production area should be regularly disinfected, and 10 meters around the chicken house will clean and disinfect each month, and the entire production area is disinfected once every year. The roof and exterior walls are disinfected with lime water in 1 --2 years; the non-production area can enter the production area after approval, but it is not allowed to enter the poultry house. With any poultry and product in the field; poultry in the villagers' association in the village farm; the field is implemented, the pollution is separated, the septic tank is placed, and the feces are treated reasonably, prevent pollution roads and water sources. The birdhouse and the sports field are kept dry and dry, insist on do five clean, poultry, feed, drinking water, food tank (feed tank and water dispenser), clean.

2. Entering and out of the poultry farm, strict implementation of disinfection system

The whole staff will enter the disinfection chamber from the total field, and the shower is disinfected. Inside and outside clothes and shoes, they can enter poultry houses; import and exports in the birds and production areas should be set up, and they often maintain effective consumption, in order to make effective disinfection of entry and export personnel; avian cage, The vehicles are not strictly disinfected. It is strictly forbidden to enter the poultry farm and poultry. Relie and cage carefully \"a clear two disinfection three fuma\" work.

3. Do a good job in poultry

Implementing scientific feeding management, feeding full price cooperation with feed, enhanced poultry resistance; Do a good job in the prevention of major diseases in all stages, conduct drug prevention, ensure the normal healthy growth of poultry groups; the conditions can determine antibody titers to determine antibody in order to understand the immune status; often observe the disease, strict treatment of disease and death, reasonable Treatment of fecal dirt; find infectious diseases in time to perform cell blockade, find out the cause, cut off infection and channels, and strictly prohibit the personnel to enter and exit, take emergency epidemic prevention measures, and extinguish in time. To ensure the stability of the poultry group,It is also necessary to develop corresponding reasonable immunization procedures from the ground, don't think of, of course, hidden people.

For all poultry diseases (chicken duck geese, etc.), if you have any questions, you can leave a message, and you will escort your breeding industry.

Let's explain some small details of the use of Bolong organic fertilizers, pig manure, pig manure, etc. Fat fertilizer provides powerful fat effects for crop yield.

1, Bolong organic fat fertilization tank, chicken manure, rapid fermentation tank fermentation process, equipment usage A environmental protection equipment uses the decomposition of microorganisms in nature. After 7 days, the organic solid waste is fermented by microorganisms, deodorizing and rusted, processed, processed, deodorized and rusted, processed into crops. Chicken manure organic fertilizer.

Organic fertilizer fermenter, chicken manure fermenter


Bolon organic fertilizers fermenter equipment utilize the decomposition of microorganisms in nature, using good oxygen microorganisms in nature, using good oxygen microorganisms through the confirmed fermenter Oxygen fermentation, the organic matter is broken down, and it produces high temperatures to the material, the material is rusted, kill the pathogenesis, so that the water content of the material is lowered, the volume decreases, and produces an organic fertilizer rich in organic matter. Hypoxic fermentation is a small stinky, saving energy.

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