Let the temperature and humidity relationship of the headache of the chicken household, how should i
07 - 17 - 2020

Temperature and humidity is of great significance in breeding, suitable temperature and humidity, have a great promotion of growth and development of chicken chicks.

Now, with the more and more standardization of the concept of breeding, many farmers have begun to pay attention to the temperature and humidity during the birth. Plus the development of the network now, many scientific management data is also easy to obtain, including data between temperature and humidity during breeding. Although these data can provide a reference standard for farmers, many small and medium-sized retailers have produced a lot of confusion.

Significance of temperature and humidity:

During the breeding, the chicken bulloven is poor The ability of the chicken nature adjustment temperature is relatively weak, in which case the farmer needs the right temperature to promote the absorption of chicken pious ovas and reduce the incidence.

Now, with the improvement of management technology, it is found that humidity has a lot of effect in breeding. The chick hatching humidity is about 70 percent, and the chicks began to have a humidity of about 60%. The chick is more likely to adapt to the environment, and can effectively relieve the natural development of the chicken bullish and promote the normal development of the chick.

In particular, in the first few days of breeding, the chicken house is high temperature environment, if the air humidity is low, the respiratory tract of the chicken is easily hot air. Burning, plus air drying, the dust in the chicken house is serious, and it is easy to cause respiratory symptoms in the chicken. So now the farmers pay attention to the control of temperature and humidity, the beginning of the seed, generally the initial temperature is around 35 degrees Celsius, and the initial humidity is at a percent.

The current situation of the market:

This standard data, it is difficult to achieve a lot of small and medium retakers. Temperature and humidity are rendered, the temperature of the chicken is high, the humidity will naturally decline, the humidity is high, and the temperature will also decline. The farmers' breeding equipment are not standard, and the heating equipment is difficult to ensure the temperature while reaching the temperature.

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