What is your own organic fertilizer?Don't understand these money!
07 - 16 - 2020

Organic and fertilizer effect is stable and lasting, and it is also an important fertilizer in agricultural production, etc. From ancient times, organic fertilizers have a lightweight position in agricultural production in my country. Although there is a slightly low valley during the development of the fertilizer industry, with the rapid development of green, health, and environmentally friendly new agriculture, organic Fertilizers have been favored again.

[123 ] The concept and characteristics of organic fertilizers

conventional organic fertilizers : refers to Organic-based natural fertilizer, mostly people and animal feces and animal and plant debris, generally divided into farm fertilizer, green manure, etc.

Farmily fertilizer is a farmer's use of human beelaces and other raw materials, common manure, compost, biogas Fat and grass ash, etc. Agricultural harvesting plants and their processing residues are also a class of farm products with wide application value, such as race pie, soybean cake, bran and other cake fertilizers, and high nutrient content. Green fertilizer is to use all or part of the green plant directly to the soil as a fertilizer, one of the important organic fertilizers of Chinese tradition.

Commodity organic fertilizer : is rich in livestock feces, animal and plant residues, domestic garbage, etc. Organic solid waste is the main raw material, and add a certain amount of other excipients

(such as weathered coal, larcoal, Chinese medicine slag, wine slag, mushroom slag, etc.) and fermentation bacteria,

Fertilizers of



Compared with traditional farmhold, Commodity organic fertilizer has high nutrient content and stable quality . Specific role of organic fertilizer

Physical properties: soil physical traits The quality is directly related to soil nutrients.The size of the power supply capacity. Many studies have shown that the administration of organic fertilizers can improve the physical properties of the soil, and the specific organic fertilizer can increase the structure of the soil grain structure, the gas permeability is enhanced, and the water supply capacity is enhanced, and the soil capacity is reduced.

Chemical properties: long-term application of organic fertilizers can activate soil nutrients, improve soil nutrient content, enhance soil fertilizer ability, and regulate soil pH Value and soil conductivity.

Biological properties: soil microorganisms can reflect the spirituality of material metabolism in the soil, which is an important indicator of soil fertility. Applying organic fertilizers can improve soil enzyme activity and improve the living environment of microorganisms.

Hazardous substances: administration of organic fertilizers increase and update soil organic matter content, and can improve the adsorption capacity of soil, which is conducive to removing soil Toxic substances or reduce their poison.

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Crop yield: Applying organic fertilizers can provide organic, inorganic nutrients required for crop growth and development, improve the soil environment, thereby promoting crop growth and increased yield.

Crop quality: The organic fertilizer can produce a good effect on the quality of crop quality by improving plant nutritional conditions and growth conditions, including appearance Quality and taste flavor.

Material analysis of the product organic fertilizer


Common plant source organic fertilizer raw materials

Straw: Common original corn stalks, wheat straw, beans straw, rice straw. Contains high molecularizers such as cellulose and lignin, low nitrogen content (except for the bean disease), use such materials to use such materials to make organic fertilizers, generally used to increase the organic matter of fermentation materials, regulate carbon Nitrogen ratio. This type of raw material is relatively rich and low, but because there are more agriculture in these materials, there is more difficult to acquire, and the seasonal is more seasonal, and the annual production needs to prepare in advance.

类: There are soybean meal, cotton rice, castor meal, pepper meal, peanut meal, etc. to be the next material for agricultural product processing industries, which is more accessories. Organic fertilizer for raw materials can be called organic fertilizer, because of the more feed grade, the raw material cost is high, and the fermentation is less compromised.

Goblunge: commonly known as mushroom slag, bacterial package, gold needle mushroom slag, flat mushroom residue, apricot eryngius slag, etc. For alcohol, corn core, rice husk, wheat bran, soybean meal and some nutrients, high bacteria organic matter, rich in bacterial protein, vitamin, trace elements and growthins, do organic fertilizers in fertility.

Common animal-derived organic fertilizer raw materials

[ 123] Animal feces: sheep, pig manure, cow dung, etc. are more good organic fertilizer raw materials. The organic matter content is high, but the fiber content is less difficult to decompose. When using, you should have a sufficient rot fermentation, high temperature kill pests, bacteria and weed seeds.

Animal processing waste: machining waste, even cultured waste, etc. can also become a raw material for organic fertilizer. However, there is no pollution-free biological degradation. Industrial waste

[123 ] Industrial residue: wine, vinegar, cassica, sugar residue, furfi residue, lignozan slag, ethanol residue, etc. The raw material market is large, the region is strong, the price is low, and the organic matter content is high. The water content is generally more than 60%. Pay attention to the pH when used, heavy metals.

末 梗: Such material organic matter, nutrients, sugar is high, in the main raw materials for organic fertilizers Product fertility is good, and there is also the effect of preventing fungi, resisting soil pests, and the price is also less expensive.

Poughege: Slag has avergicosome, cephalosporin, Thai Lee, oxide slag, The other nutrients such as upper protein is high, the price is middle and lower, etc. After use, the fertility effect is better, and the other harmful bacteria can be resistant, but the raw material has a large fluidity and less stable supply.

Amino acid residue: high protein content, more than 40%, most taste also more wet material, price Middle and lower, etc., need to dry and dry, make organic fat tastesThe road is heavier, the fertility is good.

Other raw materials

It is worth noting that many inferior organic fertilizers raw materials are from the following.

Urban sewage precipitation sludge: Although containing a certain amount of organic matter and nitrogen phosphorus ingredients, this The material is not salable, the processing cost is very low, but heavy metals and E. coli are seriously exceeded, and it is easy to trigger the dead root, dead tree phenomenon, and fruit people can easily lead to malignant cancer.

Industrial wastewater precipitation sludge: Although such sludge also contains a lot of elements and organic matter, heavy metals are also severely exceeded. It can cause rotten roots, dead trees, and severely polluted soil.

The foot of the paper mill: this fertilizer, the main component is lignin. It is a kind of organic matter that is difficult to absorb, not to mention many chemical raw materials in the process of papermaking, and most of these raw materials remain in the next material, it has a great damage to the soil, and the root has a great impact.

Weathering coal: it belongs to an apparent organic matter, which cannot be a carbon source of soil microorganisms, and the effective ingredient in weathered coal is a humic acid. But not deep processing is an invalid organic moiety.

Therefore, High quality organic fertilizer is very important.

Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter, chicken manure pig manure fermenter, high temperature good oxygen fermenter [ 123]

Closed tank, high temperature fermentation. Mechanical agitation, organic fertilizers full fermented, high quality powdered organic fertilizer, can be directly pair, or the raw materials of complex fertilizer can also be used.

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