The fermentation of chicken manure is not complete, which will cause this kind of damage, and there
07 - 10 - 2020

Does anyone ask Chicken manure to deal with? I haven't seen it directly in the old man! But today, it is necessary to treat manure now.

Because the reason for dung or very simple treatment decades ago, it was because of that time raising pigs. No one will add a large number of antibiotics and additives containing heavy metals, and there is a lot of stools that have not much feces that have a small amount of livestock and poultry. Today, with the rise and development of scale breeding, this situation has already changed. It should be noted that the farm is not directly administered to the land, and standard harmless treatment is required in advance.

Greenhouse vegetables, orchard uses seven disasters that have not been processed by chicken feces:

1, burning roots, burning seedlings, smoked Dead

After fermentation of chicken manure, when the appropriate temperature humidity is reached, the chicken manure begins to ferment, the heat generated by fermentation will burn seedlings, rotten, black roots, yellow Ye, Huanghua, causing the death of the plant during severe. Especially in winter and spring, chicken is hidden, because at this time, the temperature in the greenhouse is high, and the fermentation of chicken manure will exude a large amount of heat, leading to root roots; orchard winter spring seasons use chicken manure, and the root roots are hibernation, once the root, It will affect the accumulation of nutrients and flowering results.

2, the soil in the saline shed does not open

In the year, hensure is used, and a large amount of sodium chloride salt is stored in the soil. The average chicken is 30-40 kg per 6 square chicken manure, and 10 kg salid per mu has seriously restrictive soil permeability and activity, cured phosphate fertilizer, potassium and calcium magnesium iron boron manganese, and plants grow. Abnormally, the flower buds are rained, and the fruit does not open a variety of reduction in production, which has restricted crop yield and quality. Therefore, the lack of fertilizer utilization is declined, and the year is not as good as one year, and the investment cost is increased. Viral disease, disease, stem-based rot, root rot, green blight became a sequelae using chicken manure.

3, breeding root knot

Chicken manure is a camp and hotbed of roots, itself carries root knot The quantity is 100% per 1000 grams, and the nematode eggs in chicken manure are easy to hatch, and tens of thousands of tens of thousands of overnights, and the nematodes in the soil are increased in the incidence of flops with chicken manure. The nematodes are sensitive to chemical agents, and the debris of the application will be quickly transferred to the depth of 50 cm, which is too deep, so it is difficult to cure. Especially for more than 3 years old shed, root knots are one of the fatal hidden dangers.

4, brought into antibiotics, affecting agricultural product stability

During the feeding process, feed ChinaThere is a large amount of hormones, and antibiotics will also be used to prevent diseases, which will pass the chicken manure into the soil, affecting the stability of agricultural products.

5, produce harmful gas, smoked, dead seed

produces harmful gas, smoked, dead seed: chicken manure in the decomposition process Entra-harmful gases such as methane, ammonia, etc., so soil and crops, the root damage, more seriously the resulting ethylene gas root growth, and the main cause of roots.

6, in the year, chicken manure, caused root hypoxia

In the year, chicken manure is used, causing root hypoxia: long-term power: chicken In the soil in the dung, the oxygen in the soil is consumed during the decomposition process, so that the soil is temporarily in an oxygen state, the crop growth is stopped.

7. Heavy metal exceeds the standard

Heavy metal exceeds the standard: chicken manure contains very high amount of copper, mercury, chromium, cadmium, lead, arsenic Equal heavy metals, there are more hormone residues, if the non-fermentation treatment will cause heavy metal exceeding the agricultural product, pollute the groundwater source and soil, the organic matter is longer, and the time is long, and the nutrient loss is serious.

For the above, Bolong recommends that you adjust according to its own breeding scale.

Use Bolong organic fertilizers to handle poultry manure, which is an environmentally friendly equipment, suitable for livestock feces, such as chicken manure, pig manure, cow dung, horse manure, etc. Animal feces, livestock and poultry, and the remaining kitchen waste, mushroom slag, etc.

After the material enters the Bolong organic fertilizers, it rapidly decomposes under the action of a good oxygen, and the heat release is rapidly increased. Using the organic matter, residual protein, etc. in livestock and poultry, rapidly reproduction at a certain temperature, humidity and sufficient oxygen environment. High temperature aerobic fermentation, more than 7 days, high temperature fermentation and decomposed. Effective killing eggs, pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds, achieving harmlessness and reduction treatment standards, producing organic fertilizer, supplying farming.

Chicken manure rapid fermentation, pig manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermentation

Normal Feeding, production, so that the fermentation process continues to achieve comprehensive stirring, ventilation, heat insulation, etc. Hazard \u0026 quot; process, realization, factory treatment.



Hebi Bolong Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd.

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