Size farm crazy expansion, is there a living road in the small and medium-sized farm?
07 - 09 - 2020

Recently, friends chatted: New construction of so many large egg farms, domestic small, especially small scatter farms, have there any space? Let's talk about this topic today!

Small and medium-sized eggs farm, in domestic egg hooks, there will be a long time!

From these aspects:

1. From the ratio of stocks: small and medium, The proportion of the proportion of the smaller in the entire domestic egg hooks is the big head. With the rise of the large-scale eggs, this market share is slowly compressed, and the long process is required; Second, the advantages of the small farm self: small size, single flock small, chicken is good management, production The performance is relatively good, the operation is flexible, the production cost is relatively low, good head; third, fresh egg consumption habits: Although the number of domestic densolis is relatively large, most domestic fresh eggs are still consumed in the form of shell eggs. . In China, in accordance with the income, high school is low, etc. However, in accordance with the revenue structure, the low-level income people still account for mainstream.

Second, then, ordinary public fresh eggs are also the mainstream of consumption of income people such as the medium and low, and is also large in the market share of fresh eggs. As long as there is a large number of low-low income people, ordinary public fresh eggs, there is a vast market demand space. There will be a long period of time. Highly added brand eggs, market share is relatively small. There is a demand, there will be a space. This gives the small and medium-sized eggs farms with space and time.

The third, but the medium-sized egg hook farm has achieved change, it cannot be kept unchanged. For example: the time of ejection, the time to eliminate the old chicken, change, gradually adjust the amount of reservoirs and stocks, try to compress the production cost, improve the added value of egg products, eliminate chicken, chicken manure, etc. If you want to add more than value, do more work in operation.

I said that no matter whether it is a large farm, or a small and medium-sized farm. If you want to survive, you must do everything. It is hard to increase the revenue. Chicken manure is a puzzle of a farm. Many times are treated as waste, and the odor smoking does not say that it also pollutes the environment. Let's introduce you to a good opportunity to become treasure!

Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter, chicken manure fermenter, pig manure fermenter

[ 123] Bolon organic fertilizer fermentation tank equipment utilizes the decomposition of microorganisms in nature, using good oxygen microorganisms in nature, with good oxygen microorganisms, continuous aerobic fermentation in a closed fermenter,The organic matter is broken down, and it produces high temperatures to the material, and the material contains harmful substances, so that the water content of the material is lowered, the volume is reduced, producing an organic fertilizer rich in organic organic matter.

After the stain material enters the Bolong organic fertilization fermenter, it rapidly decomposes in 24-48 hours under the action of aerobic bacteria, and the heat release is rapidly increased. Using the organic matter, residual protein, etc. in livestock and poultry, rapidly reproduction, effectively to kill the eggs, pathogens and weed seeds in a certain temperature, humidity, and sufficient oxygen environment, and to achieve harmlessness and reduction treatment standards. . Effective working output fertilizers, bringing considerable benefits, and has made great contributions to human environmental protection projects.





Hebi Bolong Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd.

Address: Shancheng, Hebi City Shilin Town Xiji Wangtai Industrial Zone

Business Hotline: 0392-3357779

Service Hotline: 400-800-9989

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