2020 organic fertilizer new policy governments vigorously support!
07 - 03 - 2020

In recent years, straw incineration, atmospheric pollution leads to increasing ecological environmental pollution, and excessive administration of fertilizers leads to soil rings, salting, in order to further protect the ecological environment, the government proposes waste piles such as straw, livestock and poultry feces Motor fertilizer alternative fertilizer action. In recent years, the state has issued a series of preferential policies that support organic fertilizer industry development.

Organic fertilizer fermentation, chicken manure fermentation, pig manure fermentation One, it is to produce sales and wholesale, retail organic fertilizer for taxpayers, Organic-inorganic compound fertilizer and biological organic fertilizer exempt from VAT. For crop straw, forestry triple remain comprehensive utilization products, implement a certain proportion of VAT refund policies.

Second, it is a new purchase of 50,000 yuan or less equipment, and the existence of the appliance allows for one-time tax before tax. Third, the small micro enterprise of the income tax concessionary policy will be enjoyed to increase the upper limit of the tax payment price, raised from 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan.

Fourth, it is to cancel the company's entrustment of overseas research and development costs shall not be added to the deduction limit. Five, it is to extend high-tech enterprises and technology-type SMEs lose the year limit by 5 years to 10 years.

Sixth, it is a unification of the forensic deduction limit and high-tech enterprises in the pre-tax limits of the staff of the general enterprise.

These policies belong to the Popular policy, and the eligible organic fertilizer production enterprises can be enjoyed according to law.

Pig manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermenter manufacturers

Let's explain to the use of Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter fermentation chicken manure, pig Poultry, such as feces, cow dung, etc.

1, Bolong organic fat fertilization tank, chicken manure, pig manure rapid fermenter fermentation process, equipment use principle

2 In the first time, adding the raw material while adding raw materials.

After fermentation, it is not necessary to add a strain when it is added, and the microorganism produced by the propagation in the tank can achieve continued fermentation. Since then, as long as normal feeding, production, the fermentation process continues, through the operation of the equipment to achieve comprehensive stirring, ventilation, heat insulation, etc., to create an environment suitable for microorganisms, accelerate the reproductive speed of microorganisms, promote \"biological fermentation - livestock feces, The body is harmless \"process, realization, factory treatment. 3, the principle of the rapid fermentor of chicken manure

Bolong organic fertilizers fermenters utilize the decomposition of microorganisms in nature, using good oxygen microorganisms in nature, with good oxygen microorganism activity through sealed fermentation Continuous aerobic fermentation in the tank is decomposed to the organic matter, it produces high temperatures to the material, the material is decomposed, deodorant and killed the pathogenesis, so that the material moisture content is lowered, the volume is reduced, and the organic fertilizer rich in organic matter is produced. Hypoxic fermentation is a small stinky, saving energy.

Chicken manure fermenter, organic fertilizer fermentor manufacturer

Chicken manure rapid fermenter is an environmentally friendly equipment that utilizes the decomposition of microorganisms in nature. After 7 days, the organic solids are continuously fermented in a closed fermenter. The waste is fermented by microorganisms, deodorant and rusted, processed into chicken manure organic fertilizer for crops.

Chicken manure rapid fermenter process: above, high temperature fermentation, decomposing, discharge, stabilization and stability treatment.

Head: add the material to the hopper with a bucket, one-button automatically onto the fermentor.

High-temperature fermentation rox: Sludge fermentor has a vortex gas pump to via an aeration hole in the agitating shaft, while stirring the shaft agitation, gradually tapered under the action of a good oxygen 50-65 degrees, after more than 7 days, high temperature fermentation is rusted. Effective killing eggs, pathogenic bacteria and weed seeds, achieving harmlessness and reduction treatment standards.

Disproduction: The material in the fermentation chamber is dropped by layers under the main shaft and the gravity of gravity, and the finished product is discharged from the discharge port after fermentation

After the pig manure is fermented by biological organic hypertrophy, the fat effect is better, easy to use, and improve the fertilizer utilization. Biological organic hypertrophy can not only fermented pig manure organic fertilizer, chicken manure, sheep, cattle dung, etc. can be fermented to organic fertilizer, the fermentation method is basically the same. Also remind everyone, no matter what material is used to ferment organic fertilizer, you must grasp the moisture content, otherwise you will lose a loss.

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Hebi Bolong Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Shilin City, Hebi CityZhenxi Temple Wangtai Industrial Zone

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