Organic fertilizer seven contributions to agriculture
06 - 29 - 2020

With people's pursuit of food and life quality, the development of green agriculture will speed up the future organic fertilizer application, and it is also in line with the requirements of sustainable development of modern agriculture. Article Source | Chunyu Net

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Improve the flooding of the soil


95% of the trace element in the soil in the form of a non-solubility, can not be absorbed by plant, while the microbial metabolite contains a large amount of organic acid substance, these substances are like Like the hot water added in the ice, the trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, boron, and molybdenum, and molybdenum can be dissolved, which can be directly absorbed by plants. Nutrient elements have greatly increased the soil's fertilizer capability.

Organic fertilizer in organic fertilizer increases the organic matter content in the soil, so that the soil bonding degree is lowered, and the properties of sand resistant soil water storage and storage, so that the soil forms a stable granulation structure, it can be played Good fertility coordinates supply capacity.

Have organic fertilizer, the soil will become loose, fertile.

Improve soil quality promotes soil microbial breeding

Organic fertilizers can make microorganisms in the soil, particularly many beneficial microorganisms, such as nitrogen, ammonia, cellulose decomposition, and the like. These beneficial microorganisms can decompose organics in the soil, increase the structure of the soil, and improve the soil composition.

Microorganism in the soil is very fast, they are like a big net, intricate. After the microbial bacteria, there have been a lot of fine pipelines in the soil. These fine pipelines not only increase the gas permeability of the soil, but also make the soil be fluffy and soft, and the nutrient moisture is not easy to lose, and the soil water storage is increased. Fertilizers, avoid and eliminate the soil strip.

The beneficial microbes in organic fertilizers can also stop the breeding of harmful bacteria, so they can do less drugs. If they are used for many years, they can effectively stop soil harmful organisms, saves, save money. At the same time, there are various active enzymes secreted by animal digestive tract in organic fertilizers, and various enzymes produced by microorganisms. These substances can greatly improve the soil activity after being applied to the soil. Long-term long-lasting use of organic fertilizer can improve the quality of the soil. FundamentalUpper improvement improves the quality of the soil, it is not afraid of causing a good fruit.

Provides nutrient protection for crops

Organic fertilizer contains a large amount of nutrients required for plants. Trace elements, sugar and fat. The organic fertilizer decomposes the release of CO2 can be used as a material of the object. Organic fertilizers also contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium three elements, organic matter, which can provide nutrients provided by crops.

At the same time, it is necessary to decompose organic fertilization to decompose in the soil, which can be converted to form various humic acids is a polymer substance, which has good complex adsorption performance. The heavy metal ions have a good complex adsorption effect, which can effectively reduce the poison of crops to crops, and prevent it from entering the plants and protect the root of corusca.

Enhanced crop disease resistance, drought resistance, and disintegration

Organic fertilizers contain vitamins, antibiotics, etc. Enhance crop resistance, alleviate or prevent disease. After the organic fertilizer is applied to the soil, it can enhance the water storage capacity of the soil, and in the case of dry conditions, the droughtable capacity of crops can be enhanced. At the same time, organic fertilizers can also make soil loose, improve crop root ecological environment, promote root growth, enhance root vitality, improve crops resistance, reduce the mortality of plants, and improve the survival rate of agricultural products.

Improves the greenness of the food

The state has long apparent: agricultural production process The excessive use of inorganic fertilizers must be limited, and organic fertilizers are the main fat source for producing green food. Due to the complete nutrient elements in organic fertilizers, these materials are completely non-toxic, harmless natural substances, which provide conditions for producing high-yielded green foods. The previous humic acid substance can reduce the harm of heavy metal ions on plants, which is equivalent to reducing heavy metals to the human body.

Improve crop yield

[ 123] The beneficial microorganisms in organic fertilizers use organic matter in the soil to produce secondary metabolites, which contain a large amount of promoting growth. Such as a growth of plant, can promote plant elongation growth, peeling acid can promote fruit maturity, gibberellin can promote flowering sitting fruit, increase flowers, compare rate, increase production, make the fruit full, color, but also early listing, reaching Increase production.

Reduce nutrient loss and increase fertilizer utilization

Part of the loss of fertilizers released into the atmosphere, part of the fluorescent loss, and some are fixed in the soil and cannot be directly absorbed by plants. When the organic fertilizer is applied, the soil structure is increased due to the beneficial biological activity, and the soil water storage capacity is increased, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients. In addition, it is possible to increase the effective utilization rate of chemical fertilizers to 50%.

In summary, organic fertilizer's 7 contributions to agriculture have indicated its advantage. With the pursuit of food and life quality, the development of green agriculture will speed up the future organic fertilizer application, and it is also in line with the requirements of sustainable development of modern agriculture.



Bo Long [ 123]

Hebi Bolong Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd.

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