Nursing combination makes agriculture loop
05 - 17 - 2020

In the past few years, my country's breeding industry has developed more and more rapid, and the types and scale of farming are also expanding. Although the aquaculture has brought a lot of development opportunities to rural areas, it can also accompany the significant negative impact, and the impact is destruction of the environment. The livestock and poultry industry will cause an increase in environmental discoloration from all aspects, slaughtering to processing, and become a \"short board\" in the construction of beautiful villages.

Currently, there are still all kinds of farms in some areas of my country. , Breeding professional retail investors is not strong or even slack of livestock and poultry pollutants. The total amount of livestock and poultry generated every year is about 400,000 tons, causing a lot of sewage, and the feces will not be properly treated, and the ecological environment, drink The water source has caused a certain degree of harm.

Waste, such as livestock and poultry, etc. contain rich nutrients, is the crop growth Or disseminated, administered to rice fields, orchards and vegetable stations, which help to improve soil structure, reduce chemical products, to ensure the stability of feces, and do two incorporators of cultivation.


In recent years, as the livestock and poultry breeding industry has brought certain environmental pressure to the environment. Some technical enterprises have developed a comprehensive nutrient management plan for these livestock and poultry feces, kitchen waste, and sewage sludge. At the same time, it has also developed livestock and poultry manure transportation, utilizing technology and harmless treatment equipment to provide help. Livestock waste harmless treatment equipment allows these fertile nutrients to the extent, and do \"turn waste into treasures, and become profitable\".

Development of cultivation, scientific and reasonable supporting livestock waste harmless treatment equipment and utilization measures can solve the dirty, chaos, stink of farms To improve the ecological environment, thereby solving the great problem of environmental protection.


Bolong Bo Long [ 123]

Hebi Bolong Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd.

Address: West Temple Wangtai Industrial Zone, Shilin Town, Shancheng District, Hebi City [123

Business hotline: 0392-3357779 Service hotline: 400-800-9989 [123 Company official website:

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Henan Bolong pay attention to environmental protection


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