Jiamusi City strengthens the use of resource utilization of livestock and poultry
05 - 27 - 2020

In order to speed up the resource utilization of livestock and poultry culture, prevent livestock and poultry pollution, protect and improve the ecological environment, and promote the animal husbandry of the city Industry sustainable development. The deputy mayor of Shenbin, Jiamusi City, signed the \"Municipal People's Government of the Municipal People's Government\" The Livestock and Poultry Resources Revision of the People's Government, strengthened the seven aspects: [123

One implementation of governments at all levels of livestock farming in the administrative region Waste resource utilization work is responsible, gradually establishing the corresponding work coordination mechanism, and reaches the new scale farm standard to meet the statistics and daily supervision of report statistics and daily supervision.

The two-compilation species combined with development planning and livestock and poultry pollution prevention and control plan, improved animal husbandry development plan, and adjust the optimization of animal husbandry production layout. The three green organic food industry effects, affecting organic fertilizer, and protects black land.

Four implementation of scale farm farming related activities agricultural electric policy, biogas power generation network benchmark electricity price and Internet power full range of affordable acquisition policies, livestock and poultry waste waste resource utilization machinery Equipment is included in the agricultural machinery subsidy directory policy.

The five implementation of livestock scale breeding environmental assessment system, and the above farms above the end of 2018 passed the \"environmental impact assessment\".

The six-to-level farm, 2018

needs to obtain various business licenses such as relevant business licenses.

Seven improved livestock and poultry stain emissions statistics and livestock scale farm pollutant emission reduction accounting system, establish and improve the use and test standards of livestock and poultry feces System, strict implementation of the sewage permit system, carry out special law enforcement inspections, and the scale farm with pollutants is prohibited, and new farms is prohibited.


Bolong Bo Long [ 123]

Hebi Bolong Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd.

Address: Shancheng, Hebi CityShilin Town West Temple Wangtai Industrial Zone Business hotline: 0392-3357779 ServiceHotline: 400-800-9989

Company official website:

www.bolongxm.com [123

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