New normal lower livestock waste disposal, resource utilization mode and equipment selection
02 - 04 - 2021


3 Month

The farm is generally simply extensive to livestock and poultry. In the case of 3 to 4 years, the situation has changed, and the industry is obviously in the strengthening of environmental protection. The new farm requires environmental assessment. It is necessary to reach the standard, the large-scale farm has also required to build a stasification treatment facility. .

Treating livestock and poultry stains are both environmental protection, but also to control greenhouse gas emissions, and also for soil tuberculosis and improvement. In 2018, the data showed that the number of livestock and poultry reached 3.8 billion tons. If the treatment is not good, it is quite large for environmental negative impact (polluted soil, atmosphere, water, etc.), and there is a potential risk of organisms. If the livestock and poultry is treated, resource re-use, the amount of organic fertilizer increases, then the amount of chemical fertilizer applied to soil will greatly reduce the demand for organic fertilizer, but also enhance the quality of agricultural products.

However, there are still many problems in current livestock feces treatment and resource utilization. The objectives of environmental protection are strict, there are quite sufficient policies, systems, and regulations, but in implementing capacity, the implementation is very different, in implementing, supporting, not uniform, disagree, and lacks sufficient supervision.

From the technical level, the lack of mature, can be used for simple replication processing mode or equipment, economic benefits are not obvious, fundamentally affects the enthusiasm and economic benefits of breeding industry. In addition, organic fertilizer standard is insufficient, and the implementation of policies and lacks effective supervision, causing disorder in the downstream market.

my country has different factors in China, natural environment, social environment and economic development, etc. Thus, the implementation of policies and measures does not allow everyone to be on a fair starting line, so improve some livestock

理粪 处 rational measures, attention to implementation Effect, policy and financial support for promotion resource utilization is very important. Second, livestock waste resource utilization mode and equipment selection

The national animal husbandry station collected typical technologies 239 models were screened by experts, summarized in the combination of cultivation, cleaning and re-use, and standardized emissions, etc. The combination of stamping is still field mode, feces, fertilizer utilization mode, manure fertilizer utilization mode, staining energy utilization mode, etc. Utilizing mode, feces feed mode, feces fueling utilization mode, etc .;

At present, there is a relatively common dung treatment pattern (mainly fertilizer utilization) has good oxygen fermentation mode, trench /-staple compost, ectopic ferment bed Horizers (may need to be throwing), film cover compost, aerobic fermentation cannoke, high temperature aerobic fermenter, air-dry mode, other models (such as biogas fermentation (aerobic fermentation), insect culture (feed) Wait. 1, Select principles and precautions

Due to farming conditions And mode, it is not possible to eat. When choosing breeding mode and processing mode, you can't make simple superstition, and I don't believe in \"a trick\". Don't break chapter, blind, you should in-depth investigation, understand the environment, background , Local supporting, etc., get sufficient and real information, make full use of \"Thame Stone\"

Combining the actual situation, it is predictive to make judgments, maybe, Make a batch of equipment. High temperature aerobic fermenter


First, you should prepare, fully understand the various factors involved or affecting the treatment of dung treatment.

( 1) Environmental requirements, land occupancy, and surrounding environmental factors, etc. ) The process of inspection mode / equipment (batch / concentrated) and raw materials, auxiliary materials need, etc., can the local area smoothly?

(3) Examination mode / equipment control And the level (such as control of product quality, how is the local effect? \u200b\u200b (4) Combining the actual (production cost, product market)With sales) calculate economic account, comprehensive evaluation, give various modes (equipment).

According to policy impact and its own conditional requirements and other influencing factors, it is confirmed that there is no \"one-vote veto\" factor to make a choice.

3, specific factors analysis

An important analysis of specific factors Table 1.

Table 1 Safety treatment mode selection

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[123 ] The equipment of the stain treatment (depreciation + maintenance) is basically one-time, so the cost and production cost is the problem to consider. At the same time, we must consider operating costs (electricity, labor, oil fees), original accessories (such as mixing materials, strains, etc.), other fees such as packaging, storage, transportation, sales, etc., this difference should not be too large. And sales revenue, organic fertilizer sales prices in different regions have different courses, and the price of organic fertilizer in different raw materials in the same area may also have differently, and the price of organic fertilizer prices in the same area may also have differently.

Comprehensive factors considering that according to policy impact and self-condition requirements and other influencing factors Comprehensive assessment can use treatment equipment, it is possible to use good processing equipment, can not produce high quality Organic fertilizer, can get good benefits, then make a choice.

After the mode is determined, the selection of the specific device is also examined. The principle of choosing is the point of view, and there is a number of hearts. After the selected mode, further investigate the equipment, see success cases and unsuccessful cases, and analyze the various influencing factors, provide reference.

Investigation and comparative analysis choice, the content of the point is to see the degree of factors in success cases and their farms, and make preliminary applications. For unsuccessful cases, analyze the failure cause, collect, analyze the information, pay attention to the \"water content\" of information, understand the dominant \"water content\" (psychological expected) and the implicit \"water content\" (unfair . The general principle is that it is suitable for local conditions, and the long-term extension is short, and further evaluates what happens if I use it here? Then make hits and choices. Remember, others are suitable, not necessarily suitable for you.

With the goal to investigate, do homework before departure, ready to prepare, fully\"Preview\", in addition to the things that are not easy to see, should also understand as much as possible to other users.

Fully examine the process, design, process, evaluating different raw materials, seasons, different environments, the level of grasp of processing results, such as the physical and chemical standards of the resulting result (product) and Biological stability and other factors, etc. Confirm (mode and equipment and subsequent series of work) Can you replicate locally? What will the effect? Although the comprehensive economic benefits are not the target, it is very important! There is a necessary predictability for changes in the future.

On the basis of extensive, in-depth understanding, listen to the actual application site while listening to the relevant personnel. Sitting on the scene, cut the horse, carefully prepare questions that you need to know, you can understand it one by one, do a good job in the scene, do your record, don't be a cloud, you are confused, you have to analyze it. The production and production installation of the fermenter is not very mature. After confirming the form of the fermenter, it still needs to be investigated, compared, and it has been hierarchically.

Third, high temperature good oxygen fermenter provides stable, balanced reproductive environment for aerobic microorganisms in the sealed container, so that they Breeding with fast speed. The high temperature fermenter is characterized by high speed of the fecal fermentation, fermentation is complete, reducing the effect of environmental on fermentation. Compared to \"compost\" in the original natural environment, due to a closed-controlled space, it provides a stable breeding space that is not affected by the external environment, and the reproductive speed of microorganisms has increased, and the treatment of manure is not affected by the environment. The high speed and equilibrium in the year, which greatly improves the fermentation velocity of waste such as waste. Due to emphasizing the fermentation velocity, the fermentation process becomes rapid, requiring manual control of the fermentation environment, so the energy consumption of the plurality of stamping treatment is increased compared to natural fermentation, and may even increase comparison many. At the same time, the increase in fermentation velocity makes it possible to reduce the land area required for processing unit stains, and the farm can make a hierarchy according to their own actual situation. In the land is too bureau, but the manure treatment cannot be transported long distances, and the farm that needs to be treated will have a stronger applicability. The operation process and general principles of high temperature fermenters are shown in Figure 1 .


The operation process and general principle of high temperature fermenter

High temperature good oxygen fermentor feature is small in place Equipment work), running is basically not affected by the environmentHowever, it can be continuously treated, the emissions are small during the fermentation process, the operation is simple, the basic physicochemical index of the discharge can be controlled, the constant high temperature period, the pathogenic microorganism is complete, the antibiotic degradation is complete, and the degree of anti-metal degradation is relatively complete.

For the feed requirements, the excipient investment is large due to different raw materials or different water different or different equipment design. The cost of compulsory materials is generally the production cost medium electricity bill (conventional farmer) accounts for 50-70%, and the equipment is depreciated (15 years) about 20-7%, and the other cost Ten - percent of 20 percent.

For tank high temperature good oxygen fermentation technology, most of our country Always paying attention. In the late 1990s, research institutions and enterprises such as colleges and universities began specific attempts to carry out test work and tried to develop equipment, but due to lack of scale applications, limited to funds, technology and application implementation. Factors, there is no sufficient substantive progress.

With the gradual stringent and standardization of environmental protection requirements and implementation efforts in recent years, the cultivated manure treatment work is increasingly valued; on the other hand , Organic fertilizers that are increasingly becoming more and more integrated in combination with soil improvement and quality improvement of planting. In this case, the high-temperature aerobic fermenter of one of the fertilizer utilization modes as a good oxygen fermentation is also caused by the emphasis on the industry and enters the rapid development stage. While introducing foreign equipment, domestic equipment manufacturers have never been there, and spring bamboo shoots will appear. According to incomplete statistics, as of the end of 2019, various companies, known as the manufacture of fermenters, more than 100 percent, eighty percent, during 2018-2019 (see Figure 2).



Of course, due to the technical precipitation and preparation is not sufficient, sudden The huge market demand has spawned a lot of production enterprises, and the outbreak of short-term capacity will help fully compete, promote the development of the industry, but due to the fact that the factory is different, the level is very different, high temperature The good oxygen fermenter is a new equipment, no standards and sufficient mature experience, resulting in a case where practical product manufacturing, application and promotion, and is not conducive to efficiency and efficiency. Mainly reflected in: (1) equipment lacks authority standards,The various manufacturers have known techniques have made progress, but in fact, different manufacturers' performance is very different; (2) information is asymmetrical, users are difficult to obtain real data and information, it is difficult to do when choosing; (3)The purpose of rapid sales, manufacturers (salesperson) induce promoters and even false propaganda, misleading users; (4) Although everyone knows the importance of field inspection, the actual application can be effective, and in-depth investigation is not enough.Failed to fully grasp the situation, it is difficult to choose a good price-priced equipment; (5) The propulsion of \"Great Leap Forward\" in individual application projects, ignores the overall supporting, causing waste.

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