Take a success, helping Africa 丨 博 龙 African orders success, the global strategy is further!
09 - 22 - 2020

September 20, the freighter of Bolong high temperature aeroboy fermentor set sail in the port, Target - Africa Cameroon . This is Bolon to open a globalization strategy, a major progress, followed by Russia, Spain project successfully discharged, African project received a boost, seamlessly, shipment success ! Greatly promoted the process of Bolon to the world. In recent years, China has continuously deepened the opening of the outside world, successively introduced \"establishing Asia vote\", \"Building a Belt Road\"

and other measures, Strengthen contact with

, Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa . Bolong firmly supports national strategies and promotes their own products to the world to strive to build a livestock industry \"light\". While putting your eyes on the Silk Road Economic Belt, it is also in full swing to find business opportunities at sea Silk Road in the 21st Century.

Sea Silk Since the opening of the Qin and Han Dynasties, the road has been an important bridge in the economic and cultural exchanges of the East China.

However, there are dozens of countries in the Silk path, these countries are geographical, political and economic, and the language customs are different. Bo Long wants to successfully go out of the country, and it is difficult to enter the local market. .

Therefore, Bolong knows that you need to find a stronger partner!

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In December 2019, under the active operation of Bolon,

Shanghai Huashi Thai Trade Center Parties

To our company. Both parties exchange their respective demand, one shot is

. After the initial cooperation, Bo Long actively follows, with the support of international trade bridges, depth to the Dragon product supply and African livestock demand, multi-party talks, and thickness. Finally, on September 20 this year, Bolong-Africa Cameroon project was successful!

Bolong is committed to livestock and poultry breeding causeVigorously develop livestock and poultry breeding sustainable ecological animal husbandry machinery.Helping Africa, adding bricks to the international animal husbandry environmental development, contributing to their own strength. This year's epidemic eruption in the world,The global economic situation and the trading environment are not optimistic, but Bolong's footsteps will not stop, long-distance long, Bolong will ask for up and down, not afraid of difficulties, do not give up! Casting overseas markets with stronger strength and more flexible strategy, using more Bolong products to serve global farmers, obsessive intensity, cast extraordinary!

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