Pig manure treatment method, pig manure is rapidly handling a coup!
09 - 21 - 2020

It is said that there have been a history of raising pigs in rural pigs, and scientific breeding methods have been implemented for half a century. The country's friends basically know how to raise pigs. However, pig feeding is very good, and the treatment of pig manure is still staying in the old compost stage.

The pig manure of the rural pig farm cannot be called \"pollution\", and the correct pig manure treatment will be our wealth of our growers. Basically, each family will raise a few pigs. After three months of composting, the pig manure will sprinkle in the fall until the next season, so there is no need to administer a crop. With the continuous development of pig industry, the scale of breeding is getting bigger and bigger, and rural pigs pigs have the correct treatment of awareness, and the status quo of fecal discharge is serious, and pig manure is polluted. As for your pig in rural areas, you are good at raising pigs, but you may have little about the treatment of pig manure.

Pig manure fermentor

[ 123] What is the way of treatment of pig manure? What is the pig manure?

Pig manure is also an important part of my country's traditional agriculture. Typical ecological agriculture in \"Food - Pig - Fertilizer - Grains\" model. Pig manure can not only improve the soil structure, improve crop yield, but also the cause of \"pig multi-fat, more fat, and more food\". Pig manure refrigeration is a spraying of pig manure after fermentation in the soil, which is generally dependent on the self-cleaning ability of the soil, that is, with the ability to afford contamination.

The government supports farmers to raise pigs is a good pragmatic policy. The benefits of farmers raising pigs:

1 make farmers get rich. 2 provides good, green meat (no chemical).

3 pig manure returning to the field, it is a fertilizer that is unable to replace technology, that is, solving farmland fertilizer, save money, and raises farmland soil, making farmland well.

Chicken manure fermenter

[ 43] Improve food production (no fertilizer food) and improve the income of farmers.

Method for treating pig manure

There are several of the following:

1, conventional fertilizer (anaerobic) [123

This model is mainly for the raising pig farm in rural areas, because this modelUnder

2, pig manure treatment fermented biogas

pig manure is used to ferment biogas is a topic of the old man, the pig farm has passed The pretreatment directly enters the biogas tank, which realizes the occurrence of biogas in a microbial anaerobic environment.

Today, it is recommended that the pig manure fermenter is recommended, using Bolong organic fertilizers fermenter to handle poultry manure, this is an environmentally friendly equipment, suitable for livestock feces, For example, chicken manure, pig manure, cow dung, horse manure, etc. animal feces, livestock and poultry, and the remaining kitchen waste, mushroom slag, etc.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

After the material enters the organic fertilizer fermentor, it rapidly decomposes within 24-48 hours under the action of aerobic bacteria, and the heat release is rapidly increased. Using the organic matter, residual protein, etc. in livestock and poultry, rapidly reproduction at a certain temperature, humidity and sufficient oxygen environment.

Good oxygen fermentation can cause organic fertilizers without stabilization, and can kill bacteria and grass species at high temperature fermentation, and its final product can be used as a fertilizer or soil regulator to make organic matter circulation Re-use, the high temperature good oxygen fermentation technology is a powerful vitality of all kinds of livestock and poultry fermentation treatment in combination with sustainable development of chicken manure, pig manure, and other types of livestock and poultry.

So correctly handle pigment fermentation problems, not only bring good economic benefits, but also clean and environmentally friendly, sustainable standards, can be said to be two, so Leyneas?

Animal husbandry

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