Method for rapid fermentation treatment of wet pig dung, wet pig manure utilization!
09 - 19 - 2020

In recent years, the pig industry has emerged as the spring, which is more popular. However, the treatment of wet pig manure is a big problem in the aquaculture industry. Long-term storage will not only attract mosquitoes and flies, but also pollute the surrounding environment and underground water sources. So how should wet pig feces rapidly ferment, what are the methods of wet pig manure? How to do wet pig manure use?

Organic fertilizer fermentor

[ 123] Wet pig manure treatment method, wet pig feces fast fermentation method

, in addition to farmland and farming, ecological circulation culture Technology, that is, wet pig manure fermentation treatment is the key. So, how do you convert a large amount of pig manure generated every day into wealth? At present, what is the mainstream processing method of the rural pig farm uses the wet pig manure? Below, the author will share these sorting methods one by one.

What are the methods of rapid fermentation treatment of wet pig feces? First, the bogus is prepared using a pig. Turn it to life fuel in life. By fermentation of the biogas tank, make biogas. Then put the biogas into daily life consumption in the pig farm. For example, give pig cooking, heating, etc.

Two, wet pig manure fermented organic fertilizer, reducing planting costs. Because of a large amount of nutrients in wet pig manure, such as protein, fat, organic acid, cellulose, hemicellulose and inorganic salts, these are beneficial to plant growth.

Chicken manure fermenter

[ 123] Traditional wet pig manure fermentation mode is mostly wet pig manure fermentation drying treatment, stache, pig manure treatment. Composting is a method of aerobic fermentation treatment of manure-separating feces, microbial decomposes the organic matter in the material and produces a high temperature of 50 to 70 ° C, killing pathogenic microorganisms, parasites, and zeethetic eggs. The material is odor, the complex organic compound is degraded into simple compounds that are easily absorbed by the plant, forming organic fertilizers.

Wet pig manure fermentation treatment is also a drawback through composting, such as wet pig feces fermentation treatment time is too long, the area is too large, the efficiency is very low, taste Large, the contamination rate of the environment is large.

Nowadays, farming technology is so fast, huge progress, many new equipment, and the aquaculture industry should enjoy the benefits brought by the current era, and improve the efficiency of the fermentation treatment of wet pig manure. So wet pig manure fermentation treatment methodWhich way should you choose? Which processing method chooses to achieve effective purposes?

Chicken manure fermenter

[ 123] Using Bolong organic fertilizers fermenters to treat wet pig manure fermentation, this is an environmentally friendly equipment, suitable for livestock feces, such as chicken manure, pig manure, cow dung, horse manure, etc. animal feces, livestock body, and The remaining kitchen waste, mushroom slag, etc. Wet pig manure fermentation treatment is very effective.

After the wet pig manure enters the Bolong pig manure fermenter, the fermentation is completed in about 7 days under the action of the oxygen, and the heat release is rapidly increased. Using the organic matter, residual protein or the like in wet pig, rapidly reproduction at a certain temperature, humidity, and sufficient oxygen environment.

High temperature good oxygen fermenter

The biological organic fertilizer produced by the pig manure fermenter has the advantage of promoting plant growth, improves plant disease resistance, and improves fertilizer utilization. Contains rich organic matter, humic acid, amino acids and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, manganese, iron, etc., nutrients are rich, is croped \u0026 quot; full price fertilizer \u0026 quot ;.

Wet pig manure fermentation treatment has brought us considerable economic benefits, and can also make great contributions to protect the environment, improve land and sustainable development, and technology drive animal husbandry. , Use technology forces to improve the status quo of animal husbandry! The pollution is lowered as low as possible, and the cyclic and sustainable development of the aquaculture industry.

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